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aka Nightwing ([info]notthegdbatman) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Now they were getting somewhere!

Nightwing frowned as the woman's words fell across his ears. This wasn't just some mugging or equally mundane issue. In some ways, Nightwing had hoped that Stacy was going to tell him that Jacob was just her run away brother, or that he was some kid who ran into some emotional trouble. Not this.

Of course, considering that Nightwing used to make the horizontal mambo with a crazy-hot alien and spent a portion of his life on another planet.. maybe what Stacy was saying didn't seem all that terribly far fetched. In fact, all her words did were deepen his expression from a smirk to that same heavy bat-scowl he had given the thug. None of this was a good sign.

"How long do we have?" he then asked, his hands tightening into fists. Already, Nightwing's brain was racing. If he had enough time, he could contact Batman and see what could be done. Batman needed to know about this - if he didn't already. And their long standing silent feud could wait, especially when the world was hanging in the balance.

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