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Jane Doe-Smith ([info]jdoesmith) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
She hears some gaps and groans behind her. She wasn't going to pay attention to them. Her gaze was locked on the gang leader. He gulped, not because Jane was scary enough to scare him, but because there was a freaking Bat-brat staring him down.

"Could 'ya discribe him," he gulps.

Jane smiles enough to light up their corner of the ally way. "I can do ya one better. See why couldn't you have been this nice earlier?"

She pulls out a picture and shows it to him. The kid looks like he has hit the goth scene recently. "His name is Jacob Cobb. Has a weird interest in.... creepy magic stuff. He's wearing a funny looking thing around his neck?"

She mimes something that's probably heavy looking and misshapen. That's when the gang leader perks up. "I know that kid! Real crazy actin' like he's on the fast track to the Asylum. In fact he was recruiting."

Jane's pallor changes. Oh hell. "Order of Dagon?.... Thanks. Stay away from the docks tonight, gentlemen. Stay as far away from Arkham as you can."

She shoves the pucture back and turns. Then because there's someone right there she doesn't even think about it and punches at Nightwing.

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