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dc_eldritch ([info]dc_eldritch) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-17 20:28:00

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Entry tags:cait curry, plot - "call of cthulu", tyler darnell

Below the suface
The night sky was clear. The stars twinkle in the sky and the moon glows on the water of the San Fransisco bay. But something is not right. There are no fish in the water. All of the local aquatic life has fled. Even the sea gulls have left staying far away from the water.

Further off in the water something wicked is already here. The bay and city are rocked with a massive earth quake. Suddenly cars crash and a boat going across the bay is turned over as a temple begins to break the surface of the water. Across the country the cult members wake up and start to make plans. Tonight is not the night but within the week they will take the city. They must. Their God calls to them.

He lies sleeping but they will wake him up.

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2010-01-19 06:48 pm UTC (link)
Right now, he truly wishes he could take all the tasks for her. Much as he's already faced with the impossible himself, he at least has some idea of what's to come, and still has the books to fall back on. Books mean something can be recorded and comprehended, even if only by the mad.

*Ok, one more thing... if I'm wrong, Carter was wrong, Lovecraft was wrong about the timing, and the city rises before we're ready, don't look at it. Focus on the temple. No matter how much you want to look at the, erm, giant monster, don't. And make sure none of the heroes is trying to go down and try and kick his ass or something. Bad as Cthulu is, that's not a good idea. Right now, we literally can't stop him. He's neither alive nor dead right now. He's sleeping, which is something else entirely. Until he awakens, he's immortal... we need to let him stir in his sleep before we have a chance. And he's... well, he's not made of stuff. What he would look like, the usual winged tentacle monster thing... isn't really what he looks like. That's the human mind's closest possible approximation. Most people would go insane trying to make sense of him if they even look at him. I'm not even sure my shields will be strong enough, but I have to hope. If he sets foot on dry land, its over. You and the others with pages have the really important part. You need to stay sane, and stop the ritual. Cthulu can't be stopped or killed... but I can try and slow him down. The really critical people will be the ones who break into that temple when it begins. That's why you guys got the letters and I didn't. You're the only ones who can stop the ritual. I'm just a speed bump. The next few days are going to be horrible for you. The urges are going to get stronger, the Spawn will be trying to find you and anyone else who got a letter. All of you need to stay safe, and just as importantly, stay sane. The entire world is depending on you succeeding, Cait. And I... this time I can't help you more than I already am. I know this is hard, love, I know you never wanted to be a hero... but everything really does rely on you succeeding. We already have only the tiniest chance of succeeding, there's one reading of the prophecy that gives us a chance. Where do you want me to teleport you first?*

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2010-01-19 07:22 pm UTC (link)
Tears slid down her cheeks. She didn't want to do this. She didn't want the world resting on her shoulders. All she wanted was to be normal and be with Ty.

*Poseidonis. I'll warn Atlantis first.*

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2010-01-19 08:09 pm UTC (link)
He wishes he could give her that. Right now, he can't.

He extends a hand towards her, feeling out Atlantis in the distance, then teleports her to their gates.

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