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Damien al Ghul/Damien Wilson ([info]headofthedemon) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
"I don't fear your friends, Jai. The rest of the world sees them as omnipotent, fearless and unbeatable, but I know that's not true. Most of them, if not all, are human. They can be hurt. They bleed and they die, just like anyone else. They fail and they make mistakes. And /you/ will help me prove it." Damien tells him.

"One of them died not less than ten feet from me a few weeks ago. Shot down in the street. That one took something that belonged to me, and while I didn't exactly want him dead, that was the price he paid for standing in my way." Damien says.

"I hope you don't pay that same price, Jai. Cerdian of Atlantis wasn't very bright and now he's dead. Be smart, Jai. Don't fail me." Damien says.

He turns to the person in the room with him.

"Get him ready to run today, and prepare the next bit of the solution. The machine is nearly at full-power, but I'll want him fresh for the New Years' Eve test." Damien says.

Then he turns to leave.

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