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Jai West ([info]dareyoutorun) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
"All five of youuuuuuu....can go t'hell." Jai says, trying to push himself to a sitting position. He's not sure how many other people are in the room with them; it could be four or ten, but he's not going to lay on his face in front of them.

Henry wouldn't let them see him scared or weak. Jon wouldn't. Dad wouldn't.

Can't...can't let 'em see me sweat. he thinks.

"You'd better let me go." Jai rasps. "Because when my friend's find you...you're gonna look back on today and wish you'd listened."

"All of you are gonna wish you'd listened." Jai says.

The League had to know he was in trouble. Dad would look for him. Irey, too.

God...Mom must be goin' nuts. So is...so is...

What is her name?

It's on the tip of his tongue, but Jai can't remember who else would be worried about him and he feels like he should.

"Jusss...let me go." he says.

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