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Jai West ([info]dareyoutorun) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-12-12 22:48:00

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One Month Later
Jai West doesn't need to be able to think clearly to know that he's in bad shape. His brain feels as though it's floating in toxic waste. He doesn't know how many times they've drugged him or forced him to run, but he's sure it's a lot. They feed him well-enough, but whatever they're lacing the food with slows his normally high-speed thought processes to tortoise speed. Irey could probably run faster than he can think right now, and it sucks.

And every other day, /he/ shows up to talk.

Today, Jai has started the morning by puking up his breakfast. He's lying in the puddle of his own vomit when the Boss (and that's all he can be, because everyone runs to do what he says on command) shows up for their talk.

"You look...dapperrrr....today." Jai slurs in the man's direction.

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