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Mikaela "Mickey" Rayner ([info]greengenes) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-12-12 20:44:00

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Entry tags:alina vasquez, ash curry, cat grant, corinna prince, dinah kord, inactive - angie holt, inactive - calypso, inactive - hope free, inactive - j'anna j'onnz, inactive - jane doe-smith, inactive - lian harper, inactive - mickey rayner, inactive - rose ellington, inactive - sindella zatara, inactive - traya smith, inactive - wendi tyler, iris west, mourning dove, npc - mia dearden, npc - mitzi storm, petra gardner, pippi peppers, plot - "rate the hunk", sally roth, team - birds of prey, team - jla, team - jsa, team - outsiders, team - shadowpact, team - teen titans, victoria craft

It's every superheroine's duty.... (Rate The Hunk)
Mickey had roped off the living room in the JSA Brownstone for the afternoon. She had spent the entire morning getting the food ready and setting up. She had sent out invites to the JLA, Titans (both East and West Coast), Shadowpact, Outsiders, Birds of Prey, and of course, the JSA girls. She had also invited Cindy in case she wanted to come, and Angie, as she was basically a JSA brat herself. Mikey had built her a projection bot, and security bot that would alert her if any of the boys thought to try and see what the girls were up to.

Mickey finished setting up the projector. She had pictures of all the guys from the various teams that she had managed to get to her hands on. She made sure that there would be enough food and drinks for everyone, and waited for people to start arriving.

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2010-12-13 10:38 pm UTC (link)
"Definitely cute. Eight."

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2010-12-13 10:45 pm UTC (link)

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2010-12-14 02:28 am UTC (link)

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2010-12-14 02:28 am UTC (link)

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2010-12-14 03:25 am UTC (link)
"Fawcett boys are just pure apple pie. He works the fuzz okay though. Solid adorable seven."

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2010-12-14 05:18 pm UTC (link)
"I have the distinct feeling he used to be very large. I'll congratulate him on losing the weight, and rate him with a five."

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2011-01-13 08:31 am UTC (link)
"My first crush had scruff like that. Eight and a half."

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