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dc_holiday ([info]dc_holiday) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-11-24 17:10:00

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Entry tags:dr fate, green lantern dex, holiday, huntress, inactive - action lad, inactive - alerron ya, inactive - bronze tiger, inactive - damien wilson, inactive - green lantern maura, inactive - henry cain, inactive - himon, inactive - hope free, inactive - j'anna j'onnz, inactive - keith queen, inactive - lian harper, inactive - mickey rayner, inactive - morgaine king, inactive - nightstar, inactive - robert queen, inactive - rose ellington, inactive - rose wilson, inactive - warhawk, inactive - zor-l, iris west, npc - batman, npc - bruce wayne, npc - mitzi storm, npc - tim drake, team - birds of prey, team - jla, team - jsa, team - outsiders, team - teen titans

Giving Thanks
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." JFK

In America today is a day for being thankful for the things in people's lives. Today was a day to celebrate family, friends, prosperity and health with food, family and friends. It is a time to reflect on what is important us and to recognize the gratitude we hold for having those things in our lives.

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2010-11-25 04:43 pm UTC (link)
"You are in my kitchen eating food I have not deemed ready to eat. Thieving." She kisses him.

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2010-11-26 03:08 am UTC (link)
Lian let herself in. Though she knew that J'anna always made more than enough food, she brought over a couple of pies from their favorite bakery, as well a couple bottles of wine, though she knew that she wasn't going to be having any.

"Are we eating soon?" She asked, setting the pies down on the counter. Her mouth was nearly watering.

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2010-11-26 03:54 am UTC (link)
"Uh-oh. Hungry pregnant lady in attendance!" Tim says.

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2010-11-26 04:23 am UTC (link)
Lian grinned. "That's right. I hope you made enough food!" Though she was pretty sure J'anna made more than enough.

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