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dc_misc ([info]dc_misc) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-11-21 23:49:00

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Entry tags:inactive - calypso, inactive - j'anna j'onnz, inactive - lian harper, inactive - max szasz, joey mason, npc - tim drake, plot - "seeds of markovia", team - outsiders

"Coming to you live from the capitol city of Markovia is Darlene Johnson, of Channel 13 News. The deaths of Iona Markov, the Queen of Markovia, and her son, Gregor Jr., crowned prince of Markovia, has put the country in a state of anarchy.

"It appears that a group of men dressed like the hero Geo-Force have been patrolling the streets, causing more chaos and killing many people.

"And who is the one responsible for all of this chaos? Brion Markov, ex-Regent of Markovia. He was captured earlier, but has since escaped and his whereabouts are unknown at present.

"This is Darlene Johns- AAAAAAAHHHH!!!"

The TV screen went black and white with fuzz, and then switched to the anchors sitting in their seats, in shock with fear at the last image shown on the screen; a stream of lava dousing Darlene and the camera crew.

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2010-11-22 03:46 am UTC (link)

Calypso turned off the television screen and set it down next to her. She breathed slowly and getting up and walking into the kitchen. She had decided what she needed to do the moment the news said that her father had been accused of murder. From everything her mother had told her about him, Calypso knew that Brion Markov was not capable of murder. He was certainly not capable of murdering his own family.

She took a magnetic pen off of the fridge and scribbled down a note on the notepad on the kitchen table.

Dear Outsiders,

I am going home to Strata for important business. I don't know when I will be back, but it should not take longer than two weeks.


She left it at that, and then retreated to the sub-basement before leaving in an underground tunnel to get out of Star City.

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2010-11-22 03:53 am UTC (link)
Tim didn't like this at all. Lian's recent troubles stemmed from leaving on her own with no help. Now, Calypso was gone, little more than a note to tell them so.

It seemed that the Outsiders trusted each other even less than they had before Lian brought them together. This time, however, Red Robin wasn't going to wait for some psycho to decide to kidnap or attack his teammate.

He opened a line to a contact from the base computer.

Redbird 2139:What do you know about Strata?

DarkKnowledge123: Limited info. Hot zone. Will get back to you, but you owe me.

Redbird: Put it on my tab.

He closed the connection.

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2010-11-25 04:34 am UTC (link)
Well. That was... interesting.

Joey regarded the note thoughtfully. "Stay safe, chica," he muttered.

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2010-11-27 01:37 am UTC (link)
"So running off alone when there's trouble is all the trend these days." J'anna just shook her head and went back to the kitchen. At some point something would go down and then she'd suit up but for now...she needed to stay distracted.

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2010-11-27 01:59 am UTC (link)
De ja vu much, Max thought when he saw the letter. He then added it to his research pile.

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2010-11-27 02:01 am UTC (link)
Lian sighed. Damnit. Of course, she didn't have much room to say anything.

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A Week Later
2010-11-22 06:23 pm UTC (link)

It was a wonder how any camera crews were allowed to set foot in Markovia after the incident with Darlene Johnson. But there they were, roaming the broken streets of the city, filming the wreckage where they could, and avoiding conflict whenever possible. But some conflict drew their attention. One in particular was the scene of a lone woman fighting the whole group of Geo-Force fakes, and losing badly.

The woman, recognizable as Terra. She willed the earth to fight for her, but she was fighting a losing battle from the very start. The cameras were trained on the fight, until finally Terra was beat down by one final strike from one of the Geo-Force fakes. He picked her up and slung her over his shoulder, and the group of them headed toward the home of the deceased royal family.

That video, among others, was played on all of the major news channels in the United States. The tension around the world was rising as people grew more aware of the plight in Markovia.

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Re: A Week Later
2010-11-27 01:34 am UTC (link)
Max saw what was on TV and knew that they should help he and made his way to the Outsiders base in costume where he knew people would be at and he could get people to come to so they could help Calypso out.

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Re: A Week Later
2010-11-27 01:39 am UTC (link)
DarkKnowledge123: I advise against going into Markovia. No backup can be issued to you and you risk touching off a powder keg with any act. You and yours should stay home, Redbird.

Redbird: No can do. Friends and teammates might be in trouble. Can't sit by. How soon can you get your people inside?

DarkKnowledge123: We're staying out of this one. Working on your /other/ request currently.

Redbird: Then it's on me and mine. We'll send you a postcard.

Tim closed the connection and would signal the rest of the team to talk.

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Re: A Week Later
2010-11-27 01:40 am UTC (link)
J'anna made her way to the meeting area. She'd ran out of things to bake anyway.

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Re: A Week Later
2010-11-27 02:00 am UTC (link)
Lian made her way to the meeting room.

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Re: A Week Later
2010-11-27 02:01 am UTC (link)
And Joey was the last to arrive.

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Re: A Week Later
2010-11-29 04:26 am UTC (link)
Red Robin looks at everyone as they get seated and starts in.

"Has everyone seen Calypso's note?" he asks, passing the note around the table in case anyone's missed it.

"From what I've learned recently, the situation over there is pretty bad. The big thing right now is that she's just walked into a war zone without back up." Red Robin says.

"Lian, Question, Joey...you guys have had the most interaction with Calypso. Do any of you know why she might have gone there?" he asks.

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Re: A Week Later
2010-11-29 11:13 pm UTC (link)
Max nodded he had seen the note.

“Actually it’s just Q,” Max said, “And I think if we want answers we need to go there because we won’t find them here not in time anyways.”

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Re: A Week Later
2010-11-30 12:07 am UTC (link)
Joey shrugged. "She never said nothing about being from Markosiwhatsistan."

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Re: A Week Later
2010-11-30 04:08 am UTC (link)
"I don't know," Lian said. "I knew she was from Strata, but she never mentioned Markovia at all.

Q is right. Best thing might be for us to just go there. Well...for you guys to go there. I can't."

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Re: A Week Later
2010-11-30 03:33 pm UTC (link)
"Which is why you're on intel and comm duty. Tim, do you know if there are any physiological differences that may be of note between...us and Markovians?"

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Re: A Week Later
2010-12-02 04:24 am UTC (link)
"The only other Markovian I know of is Terra and I didn't know her very well. In a word, no. We're going to have to do this the old-fashioned way and hope Calypso isn't in any trouble we can't get her out of." he says.

"I've got us a to get us to Markovia and it's ready to go ASAP. Does anyone need anything before we move out?" Red Robin asks.

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Re: A Week Later
2010-12-02 11:52 pm UTC (link)
Joey held up a hand. "Ah... I gotta take a leak. That count?"

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Re: A Week Later
2010-12-05 08:07 pm UTC (link)
"Not quite, Joey. Do what you need to do. We leave in ten minutes." Red Robin says.

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2010-12-10 12:55 am UTC (link)

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