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Morgaine King/ Morgan Head ([info]demonchild) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-11-20 12:23:00

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Entry tags:inactive - calypso, inactive - damien wilson, inactive - henry cain, inactive - j'anna j'onnz, inactive - lian harper, inactive - max szasz, inactive - morgaine king, joey mason, npc - cerdian, npc - tim drake, plot - "dangerous little games we play", team - outsiders

There will be blood
It was going to be a dark day in Star City.

Or at least, it was going to be a dark day for those that dared to tangle with the League of Assassins.

The plan was set in motion, and the League was on the move.

They each had their mission. Vesper had already done his part and freed Bane from where they had been holding him. The guards at the Super-Max were currently keeping their hands full with a full-prison riot. It had been discovered that Slade Wilson was no longer at the prison, having been broken out by a team of individuals sometime previous, though that was neither here nor there.

Getting a location for where Red Robin and his allies would be was difficult, but the Informant wasn't just your everyday run-of-the-mill hacker, she was one of the best.

And now, Morgaine, along with her brother's decoy and the rest of the League, were in a helicopter headed straight towards Outsider's headquarters.

"The plan is simple," Morgaine said, briefing her team for a final time before they began their attack. "While the Demon's Head has instructed us to kill anyone that stands in our way, we are merely providing a distraction while he rescues his Lady from her imprisonment. Do not hesitate do deliver a killing strike, but wiping out the entire team is not required of us at this time. We will keep them busy until the Demon's Head informs us that he has Lian, and then we will make our getaway.


A chorus of yeses arose from the team, and Morgaine nodded. "Excellent. We will be approaching the target shortly."

When the helicopter was in within range of the Outsiders headquarters, a rocket was fired at one of the windows. Not one to bring the entire place to the ground, but it would definitely set the alarms off, at the very least.

The team reached the drop off point, and the League of Assassins came in through the blown-out window. Morgaine pulled out both of her swords, a bloodthirsty grin crossing her face.


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Re: Damien/Lian/Cerdian
2010-11-22 12:35 am UTC (link)
"We are not done, Demon's Head!" Cerdian yells, even as he seems to /barely/ move away from James' attack. Cerdian speaks a word and directs the water from the hydrant to slam into James at full speed.

By Poseidon, Lian, please stay upstairs and don't do anything. Cerdian thinks, not having much time to do so before James' next lunge.

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Re: Damien/Lian/Cerdian
2010-11-22 12:38 am UTC (link)
The hydrant slammed into James, sending him backward. He howled, lunging at Cerdian again.

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Re: Damien/Lian/Cerdian
2010-11-22 01:01 am UTC (link)
Cerdian has never faced a werecreature before. He will have to tell Father of this when he returns to Atlantis. The Circle will wish to hear of it.

Cerdian let James come, and when James slammed into him, Cerdian exploded into a torrent of water, spreading about the street.

He immediately reforms fifteen feet away, next to the gushing fire-hydrant.

"You do not have to die in your master's name! Stand down and you will be spared. This is my third and final request!" Cerdian yells, hoping that the man inside the beast can hear him.

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Re: Damien/Lian/Cerdian
2010-11-22 01:14 am UTC (link)
He was the Demon's Hound. It was his duty to protect his Master, even at the cost of his own life.

James snarled, howling before he charged at Cerdian for a third time.

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Re: Damien/Lian/Cerdian
2010-11-22 01:44 am UTC (link)
This was senseless, but Cerdian could not allow this man and his master to harm Lian.

He lets James charge at him, as he recites an incantation to shape the water around him into cube-sized block of ice.

When James is nearly upon him, Cerdian steps forward and aims the block of ice at the Hound's nose, likening it to the idea behind getting a shark to leave one alone.

He hopes this works, because otherwise, he's in trouble.

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Re: Damien/Lian/Cerdian
2010-11-22 01:58 am UTC (link)
The block of ice connected with James' nose, and he got knocked to the ground.

He began to get up. Slowly. Very slowly.

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Re: Damien/Lian/Cerdian
2010-11-22 02:11 am UTC (link)
"It is over, for both you and your master." Cerdian says, gathering the water about him for another block of ice, this one much larger than the last.

He would put this animal out of his misery and then save Lian.

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Re: Damien/Lian/Cerdian
2010-11-22 02:17 am UTC (link)
The ice made contact, and James went down cold.

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Re: Damien/Lian/Cerdian
2010-11-22 02:19 am UTC (link)
Reed King watched and waited as his master commanded. He considered firing when the Waterboy knocked out the ninja, but James look like he had it handled.

The moment James went down, Reed knew that this whole plan had gone straight to hell. He picked up his sniper rifle, sighted on the guy and hoped that he didn't have a cute magic trick for a bullet to the skull.


Cerdian's head snapped the side from the force of the bullet, red mist spraying the concrete. The Atlantean fell to the ground and didn't move again.

The ninja around him slowly began to waken.

"Guess you weren't so magically delicious after all, Lucky Charms." Reed grins as the Waterboy falls down.

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Re: Damien/Lian/Cerdian
2010-11-22 02:22 am UTC (link)
As Cerdian slammed the ice block down on James Abbot, his vision clouds over, showing him the last moment of his life.

Damien reaches for Lian and then Cerdian falls to the ground.

Cerdian never hears the shot that kills him; the best snipers in the world only need one shot and Reed King is one of them.

He collapses to the ground, his knees weakening, and his seashell necklace, given to him by Princess Little Fish, falls to the ground and shatters on the concrete.

He doesn't move again, though he can feel his lifeblood leaving him too quickly. It's over for him.

But not for Lian...and her children.


Cerdian of Atlantis dies, the light leaving his violet eyes once and for all.

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