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Morgaine King/ Morgan Head ([info]demonchild) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-11-20 12:23:00

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Entry tags:inactive - calypso, inactive - damien wilson, inactive - henry cain, inactive - j'anna j'onnz, inactive - lian harper, inactive - max szasz, inactive - morgaine king, joey mason, npc - cerdian, npc - tim drake, plot - "dangerous little games we play", team - outsiders

There will be blood
It was going to be a dark day in Star City.

Or at least, it was going to be a dark day for those that dared to tangle with the League of Assassins.

The plan was set in motion, and the League was on the move.

They each had their mission. Vesper had already done his part and freed Bane from where they had been holding him. The guards at the Super-Max were currently keeping their hands full with a full-prison riot. It had been discovered that Slade Wilson was no longer at the prison, having been broken out by a team of individuals sometime previous, though that was neither here nor there.

Getting a location for where Red Robin and his allies would be was difficult, but the Informant wasn't just your everyday run-of-the-mill hacker, she was one of the best.

And now, Morgaine, along with her brother's decoy and the rest of the League, were in a helicopter headed straight towards Outsider's headquarters.

"The plan is simple," Morgaine said, briefing her team for a final time before they began their attack. "While the Demon's Head has instructed us to kill anyone that stands in our way, we are merely providing a distraction while he rescues his Lady from her imprisonment. Do not hesitate do deliver a killing strike, but wiping out the entire team is not required of us at this time. We will keep them busy until the Demon's Head informs us that he has Lian, and then we will make our getaway.


A chorus of yeses arose from the team, and Morgaine nodded. "Excellent. We will be approaching the target shortly."

When the helicopter was in within range of the Outsiders headquarters, a rocket was fired at one of the windows. Not one to bring the entire place to the ground, but it would definitely set the alarms off, at the very least.

The team reached the drop off point, and the League of Assassins came in through the blown-out window. Morgaine pulled out both of her swords, a bloodthirsty grin crossing her face.


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Sasha and Leona vs
2010-11-20 04:24 pm UTC (link)
The Kumbata twins worked as a team. They were deadly, and both were holding a whip.

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Re: Sasha and Leona vs
2010-11-20 07:40 pm UTC (link)
Calypso took on the twins, and tossed a boulder at them.

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Re: Sasha and Leona vs
2010-11-20 08:19 pm UTC (link)
Sasha and Leona moved fast trying to avoid the thrown boulder running around opposite sides of to get closer to Calypso. Sasha managed to avoid the boulder entirely at whipped her whip as Calypso. Leona wasn’t so lucky an got clipped by the boulder as she ran around it.

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Re: Sasha and Leona vs
2010-11-20 08:23 pm UTC (link)
Calypso willed a pillar of earth up at a slight angle, intercepting the whip, and then willed the pillar to break free from the ground and hurtle toward Sasha.

Then she turned, and caused the ground beneath Leona to rise quickly and stop at five feet, to throw the girl.

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Re: Sasha and Leona vs
2010-11-20 08:28 pm UTC (link)
The pillar hit Sasha in the arm causing her to drop her whip in pain. Leona when flying up into the air and hit the ground hard but with a roll to lessen some of the force. This fight was going to be harder than they thought.

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Re: Sasha and Leona vs
2010-11-20 08:35 pm UTC (link)
When Sasha's whip hit the ground, the earth swallowed it at Calypso's behest. She broke up the ground beneath and surrounding Sasha, and flicked up rocks at her to try and constantly pelt her with them.

She directed her free arm at Leona and willed a pillar of earth to rise at an angle, trying to hit her square in the chest.

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Re: Sasha and Leona vs
2010-11-20 08:43 pm UTC (link)
Sasha tries to get up but the pelting rock stop her as she is forced to cover herself to protect herself from the rocks.

Leona lets out a gasp when the pillar hits her in the chest knocking the wind out of her but manages to throw a knife at Calypso.

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Re: Sasha and Leona vs
2010-11-20 08:49 pm UTC (link)
Calypso saw the knife and moved, but managed to get cut all the same. She retaliated by opening the ground beneath Sasha into a hole, so that she would fall fifteen feet and be trapped for the time being.

She stayed wary for the time being, until she knew she could put her full attention on Leona.

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Re: Sasha and Leona vs
2010-11-20 09:02 pm UTC (link)
Sasha began to sink into the hole there really wasn’t anything she could do about it right now.

“Sasha,” Leona yelled seeing her sister sinking once her breath returned. She then threw another knife at Calypso before drawing her sword to attack her.

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Re: Sasha and Leona vs
2010-11-20 09:09 pm UTC (link)
This time Calypso avoided the knife completely, and then started raising pillars near Leona to try and slam into her arms, legs, and abdomen. "I gave you a chance to leave before," Calypso informed. "Now, I won't let you leave."

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Re: Sasha and Leona vs
2010-11-20 09:18 pm UTC (link)
Sasha was trapped in the earth now.

Leona was seriously hurting from Calypso’s latest attack.

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Re: Sasha and Leona vs
2010-11-20 09:44 pm UTC (link)
Calypso launched a final pillar from the ground, aimed for Leano's face.

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Re: Sasha and Leona vs
2010-11-20 09:50 pm UTC (link)
Leona went down seeing stars. Right now she would have been able to get up if she wanted too.

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Re: Sasha and Leona vs
2010-11-20 09:53 pm UTC (link)
"These two are down," Calypso noted. She picked Leona up and tossed her into the hole that Sasha was in, and then closed it off with just a few air holes. She moved on to help one of the other Outsiders.

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