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Damien al Ghul/Damien Wilson ([info]headofthedemon) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Re: Damien/Lian/Cerdian
Damien thought Lian was rushing into his arms when she came at him, but the name she yelled wasn't his. Not his, like she'd yelled so many times before.

She was running away from him...and to another man. It dawned on him, only now, that Lian Nguyen was not the woman he'd known. Had she ever really existed or was it some sort of trick? How had the Outsiders chosen the League to infiltrate?

Why would Lian go so far to hurt him, when all he'd ever done was love her?

He presses the button on his communicator to speak to Morgaine.

"Morgaine, Assassins...retreat." Damien says, steel coating his tone. The Demon's Head has no heart to break or feelings to hurt. The Demon's Head is invincible, implacable, and immortal.

But Damien Wilson, the man, is crushed, likely beyond repair. His wife was never truly his and he sees that now.

The choppers land and he directs his people to grab James and get him onto one, as he gets on to the other. He waits for his sister to report in, unwilling to leave the only person in his life who has never betrayed him.

"Take us to forward base and tell Lady Vic to meet me in my chambers as soon as she is available." Damien says.

"Sir, Lady Vic reports that the power source was found and secured." the pilot reports.

"Very well. Let me know when the Demon's Fang reports in." he says, looking down at Lian as the choppers fly away.

The Demon's Head does not cry. Ever.

But Damien Wilson will, someday.

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