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Tim Drake/Red Robin ([info]bloodred_robin) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Re: Morgaine vs Tim
Red Robin back-flipped away from Morgaine, trying to ready himself for her next move. He's been on the defensive against her this entire fight, mostly because he's been trying to get to Damien, who still hasn't attacked.

"Why are you letting your brother throw you under the bus, Morgaine? He's letting you do all the heavy lifting while he armchair quarterbacks it. At least Ra's al Ghul had the guts to take the field, even if you couldn't see him." Tim taunts.

Then something occurs to him.

Lian said that Damien was a capable warrior, even more so than Morgaine. The information he'd been supplied on Damien said he was /that/ good. Yet, Damien hadn't dared to attack him yet. Ra's would never put a coward in charge of the League. He'd just as soon kill someone like that than weaken the league.

This time, Red Robin throws three of his disks at once. Two go for Morgaine, but he's hoping to get Damien to react to at least one of them.

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