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Cerdian ([info]violettidemage) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Re: Damien/Lian/Cerdian
In response to Damien's words, Cerdian says something in Atlantean and moves his hand horizontally across his body.

The ten ninja standing with him and James Abbot simultaneously fall unconscious as if they were marionettes with their strings cut.

Cerdian's eyes glow an angry violet color as he regards both James and Damien once more.

"Leave Lian and Star City in peace, and I will not be forced to use my power to wipe you from the face of the Earth. Thrice will I ask, and then done." Cerdian intones, his voice louder now, seemingly carried on both the air and through the concrete around them.

Two fire hydrants burst from their resting places and geysers of water spout through the air.

"Choose now." Cerdian commands.

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