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Tim Drake/Red Robin ([info]bloodred_robin) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Re: Morgaine vs Tim
Red Robin couldn't dodge Morgaine's attack, so he didn't bother. He pushed his bo staff between the two of them to keep her from running him through, then let her momentum carry them both backward as he tried to flip her over his head.

He didn't expect to hurt her, but he /was/ testing a theory about the Demon's Head, who'd had yet to act against him, despite having several open attacks.

"Hiding behind henchmen and women, Damien? You sounded like more of a /doer/ on the phone. Are you a coward or just lazy?" Red Robin challenges him.

Red Robin guessed that they were stalling for time a few seconds after the battle began, but why, he was less certain of. Morgaine was certainly holding up her end of the bargain, but the rest of their people were losing, slowly but surely.

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