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spookygal ([info]spookygal) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-11-18 00:38:00

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The Shadow creeping under the door
Lily King led a rather dreary life. She had almost gotten out of this town but events from a year ago left her here. She had no choice. Her parents had died and her younger brother needed her. She did what she could but it never seemed to be enough. She was lucky though in that the shop managed to scrape by and she could still afford ingredients for potions to help her younger brother. After all, what he had normal doctors couldn't fix.

What did have Lily's attention today was a sense that something was wrong. She tried to fight it off all day. But she had one of those feelings she sometimes got. If her mother was alive she would try to coax Lily into just simply enjoying the feeling of darker things in the air.

That was not who Lily was though. She felt a bitter taste on her tongue and she waited for a reasonable time to close up the shop to follow her feelings. She wrapped a warm winter jacket around her skinny body and took a walk. The chilly air coming from the bay left her wanting to chatter her teeth together as she followed that feeling.

Then she stopped just outside of a building in the center of town. She took a long look at it from one angle then took a few steps to look at it from another angle. The sense of this being terribly wrong started to fill her. There was something here and for a very long time Lily found herself frozen in place.

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