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Maria Helena Grayson ([info]crossbow_bat) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-11-17 18:11:00

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Entry tags:huntress, npc - batman, npc - bruce wayne

The Streets of Gotham (open)
Maria returned the bike she stole the night before. She had felt guilty about having to steal a bike, but it had been a long way back to Wayne Manor. Little did she know it wasn't the Wayne Manor she knew.

Talk about messed up. Waking up in a whole new world. This was going to take some getting used to.

She shoved her hands in her jacket pocket. Bruce had given her some cash for a cab back to Wayne Manor, but Maria wanted to see a little more of /this/ Gotham. She wanted to see what was the same and what was different. Maria was always a curious girl.

A light rain started to fall, but she continued to walk. Aimlessly walking was good for clearing one's head and she had a lot of clearing to do. Her parents, this world's versions, were still alive. A good portion of the night had been spent thinking about them and what they could be like. It was mind blowing to think they were alive.

She asked herself a million times already if she wanted to meet them. She honestly didn't know the answer to that. It was one of the big questions she would have to eventually answer.

Another one was what she was going to do if she couldn't go home. She had been trying to figure out what she wanted to do in that world and now she had a whole new world to learn about and figure out what to do it in if she stayed.

Maria sighed and continued to walk the streets of Gotham.

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2010-11-20 08:28 pm UTC (link)
Verbally defiant as they were, both of them had still listened to his command.

"She's the new Huntress," he said. "And she lives here." For now.

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2010-11-20 08:31 pm UTC (link)
Maria climbed to her feet. "Maria Grayson Wayne," she said as she smiled cheekily. "Now that we've gotten the fighting out of the way, does this mean we now have sex?"

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2010-11-21 04:48 am UTC (link)
Batman narrowed her eyes at her. "No."

"How the hell did she get here, exactly?"

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2010-11-21 05:46 am UTC (link)
"Well when a boy and girl /really/ like each other, they fall in love and get married. They bump uglies. If the time is right then a baby is created and nine months later that baby is born," she started.

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2010-11-21 11:06 pm UTC (link)
"She is from another universe. She's going to be here for awhile, so get used to it."

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2010-11-22 12:17 am UTC (link)
Batman scowled. "Whatever. You could've told me all of this beforehand, you know?"

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2010-11-22 05:04 am UTC (link)
"It's Bruce. Did you expect him to send out memos?" Maria asked and she gave Bruce a smile. "I can say you have the whole dark, brooding and cranky part of Batman down pat."

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2010-11-22 05:21 am UTC (link)
Bruce gave Terry a look, and let Maria's sentiment ring through. He turned around.

"Don't start fighting again, or I'll teach you both a lesson." With that, Bruce headed out. He was tired and ready to sleep.

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2010-11-22 05:52 am UTC (link)
"Fine," said Batman.

There was an awkward silence after Bruce left.

Now what?

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2010-11-22 05:56 am UTC (link)
"So...." Maria said. She was unsure of what to say. Cranky Bats were a pain to deal with at times. "So how long have you been Batman?"

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2010-11-22 07:50 am UTC (link)
"A little over a year," he said.

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2010-11-22 11:10 am UTC (link)
"Aww. You're still wet behind the ears. How cute. Did you volunteer or did Grumpy recruit you? Or are you his kid and had no choice in the matter? I mean I'm just curious why someone would want to become Mr. Broody and unsociable. Not to mention attack defenseless women without a warning."

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2010-11-23 04:03 am UTC (link)
"Actually, I kind of discovered all of this by accident," he said, "I stole the suit because I wanted to take out the psychos that murdered my Dad.

Bruce tried to get me to quit but eventually he gave in. Gotham needs a Batman was the reasoning he gave me."

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2010-11-23 04:07 am UTC (link)
The normal teasing and smart mouthed Maria went away for a few moments.

"I can understand that," she said. "I'm sorry that happened to your father. It sucks losing a parent or two."

"Bruce, a Bruce, raised me after my parents died. He didn't want me in the life, but I was a bit stubborn about it. I was his Robin for a few years and then became the Huntress when I was sixteen."

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2010-11-23 04:10 am UTC (link)
"Yeah," said Terry, "It did suck. I've still got my mom and my younger brother, but it's not quite the same."

"I'm sorry to hear about your parents, too. Least you had Bruce though, right?"

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2010-11-23 04:27 am UTC (link)
She nodded. "Thanks. Yeah, Bruce is all I had. No siblings, aunts, uncles or cousins. He adopted me and raised me. Could have been worse I suppose."

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2010-11-23 05:00 am UTC (link)
"He's not a warm and touchy-feely sort of guy, but he's a good man," Terry said.

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2010-11-23 05:04 am UTC (link)
"Yeah he's not touchy-feely, but he still manages to show that he cares in other ways. That's what's important. I never once felt unloved or felt that he didn't care and I did get hugs when I really needed them."

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2010-11-24 04:12 am UTC (link)
He blinked. "I think if Bruce ever hugged me, I'd be so shocked, I wouldn't know what to do."

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2010-11-24 04:40 am UTC (link)
Maria blinked and then laughed. "I can understand that. I got them when I was much younger. Then not so much. It does help that I am a girl."

"So should I expect not to be attacked on first sight from here on out? Or should I and consider it foreplay?" She was kidding. Mostly.

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2010-11-26 05:21 am UTC (link)
"I won't attack unless provoked," He said with a smirk. "So you're safe."

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2010-11-26 05:30 am UTC (link)
"Well darn. I was hoping for the foreplay. I guess I should probably head upstairs and get some sleep. Need all the beauty sleep I can get."

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