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Morgaine King/ Morgan Head ([info]demonchild) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-11-15 14:25:00

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Entry tags:inactive - damien wilson, inactive - morgaine king

Forming a plan of action
While Morgaine still didn't exactly approve of her brother's choice of a wife, when someone stole from the Head of the Demon, they stole from the League of Assassins.

And keeping the Demon's Lady from him was just about the stupidest thing that thing that anyone could possibly think to do.

She knew that Damien wanted to hit these people, and hit them hard. He was out for blood, and Morgaine was the ready to back him up with the rest of the League. She was growing restless, and felt as if she'd been cooped up long enough.

When Damien called her, she made her way quickly to him. They had plans to make, and precious little time in which to make them.

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2010-11-19 04:02 am UTC (link)
"We will wait until Lian and the baby are safe. I don't want anyone getting opportunistic before we've had a chance to act." Damien says, his mind also going to Henry and their aunt Nyssa.

"We need to prepare ourselves to leave. I must fetch my sword; it's been so long since I last used it, I now quiver with anticipation at the chance to do so." Damien grins.

"Our enemies will fall before us." Damien vows.

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2010-11-19 04:13 am UTC (link)
"Understood. And if anyone threatens them afterward, we will make quick work of them." She almost wished that Henry and Aunt Nyssa would be fool enough to try something. Morgaine wouldn't mind getting rid of them.

She grinned. "Make sure the blade is nice and sharp, then," she said. "All the better for when your enemies scream in agony as you run them through."

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