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Morgaine King/ Morgan Head ([info]demonchild) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-11-15 14:25:00

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Entry tags:inactive - damien wilson, inactive - morgaine king

Forming a plan of action
While Morgaine still didn't exactly approve of her brother's choice of a wife, when someone stole from the Head of the Demon, they stole from the League of Assassins.

And keeping the Demon's Lady from him was just about the stupidest thing that thing that anyone could possibly think to do.

She knew that Damien wanted to hit these people, and hit them hard. He was out for blood, and Morgaine was the ready to back him up with the rest of the League. She was growing restless, and felt as if she'd been cooped up long enough.

When Damien called her, she made her way quickly to him. They had plans to make, and precious little time in which to make them.

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2010-11-16 03:13 am UTC (link)
"She will not die, Damien," Morgaine said in a solid, stern tone.

"Lian is obviously a strong woman, otherwise, you would not be with her.

And as for this Red Robin...we can find out everything about him. If he even lays a finger on Lian, we will make his life a living nightmare.

And if the Batman even thinks of getting involved, he too will suffer for his actions."

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2010-11-16 03:34 am UTC (link)
He loved Morgaine for many reasons, the most important of which was that she reminded him of their mother, both in countenance and personality.

"You are right, Morgaine. We will rescue Lian. We will make our enemies pay." Damien says.

"I...have a plan, Morgaine, but I will need you aid." Damien says. He presses a button on his desk and a side door opens.

And a man who looks exactly like her brother walks in and smiles at her.

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2010-11-16 03:56 am UTC (link)
"Very soon, you shall be reunited with your wife, and this will all seem like a bad nightmare," Morgaine said.

The man who looked like her brother got a slight eyebrow raise from her. Her brother had used decoys before, but not often, as he normally liked to handle his business personally.

"If you inform me of this plan, you shall have my aid, Damien," Morgaine said with a nod.

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2010-11-18 01:51 am UTC (link)
"It's simple. You and my decoy will face Red Robin and whoever he brings to battle with him. They will attack and you will keep them busy.

I will retrieve Lian using the tracker I implanted in her. Once I have her, we will leave. I can always slaughter Red Robin and his allies later, but I will not have them hurting Lian to get to me." Damien says.

"Take no unnecessary risks, Morgaine. Do not sacrifice your safety for a killing blow against these people." he says.

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2010-11-18 03:36 am UTC (link)
"We will do this, Damien," Morgaine said.

She then turned to the decoy.

"Leave us."

She waited until the decoy was gone before she spoke again.

"I was hoping to not bring this up, but given the circumstances, I believe I must.

On her mission to Star City, I paid off a member of our own to trail Lian. I still didn't fully trust her, you see, and was only thinking of yours and the League's best interest.

My man was not able to follow her on her mission, because he found out something of great importance and felt that I must be informed right away."

She looked Damien directly in the eye.

"When going through her room, he found an at home pregnancy test.

It was positive, Damien."

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2010-11-18 03:47 am UTC (link)
Damien listens to Morgaine's words and finds the world tilting upon its axis as she tells him about the pregnancy test. He wasn't sure he'd heard his sister right.

"Morgaine...are you certain of this? Is there any chance he could have been mistaken?" Damien asks, afraid to hope that this was the reason for Lian's increased appetite and quiet before she left. Had she been afraid to tell him this?

How did he not know?

Damien sank into his chair in shock that quickly gave way to ice-cold determination. He could /not/ fail to rescue his wife from these people.

His wife and their child.

"Morgaine...she's going to bear my heir. The one thing I've always wanted, Lian is going to give me. She knows how important having a child is to me, Morgaine.

I have to save her now. She and the baby are the most important things in this mission; their safety is paramount." Damien says, standing up and walking over to Morgaine.

He hugs his younger sister tightly, knowing that she is not used to such affection, except from him.

"Thank you for bringing this to me, Morgaine. I am grateful and in your debt." Damien whispers.

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2010-11-18 04:03 am UTC (link)
Morgaine pulled something out of her pocket. "Would I lie to you? Especially about something as serious as this?" She presented the pregnancy test, which was in a small plastic bag to Damien. "I had my man bring it back so I could be sure."

With anyone else, she would stiffened. Or stabbed them. And while there was a little stiffening when Damien hugged her, she returned it nonetheless.

"We will get them back. And then, we shall make sure that her and the baby are under the utmost protection.

She is carrying the future of the League, after all."

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2010-11-19 03:22 am UTC (link)
"Again, thank you for bringing this to me, Morgaine. You are right; we will bring Lian and the baby home, where they belong. I know you do not care for her, but she is one of us." Damien says, pulling back to look at Morgaine.

"She belongs with her family, and /you/ are her family, too." he says.

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2010-11-19 03:37 am UTC (link)
Morgaine nodded. "I know. And I will do anything to make sure that her and your son or daughter is safe." Morgaine gave her brother a small smile, an expression that she rarely used.

"Are you going to inform the League of this? Or are you going to wait until after you have safely secured her?"

While Morgaine wasn't worried about how the rest of the League would take the news, it was their cousin, Henry would go about handling it. To say that they did not trust him and his mother was not an understatement.

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2010-11-19 04:02 am UTC (link)
"We will wait until Lian and the baby are safe. I don't want anyone getting opportunistic before we've had a chance to act." Damien says, his mind also going to Henry and their aunt Nyssa.

"We need to prepare ourselves to leave. I must fetch my sword; it's been so long since I last used it, I now quiver with anticipation at the chance to do so." Damien grins.

"Our enemies will fall before us." Damien vows.

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2010-11-19 04:13 am UTC (link)
"Understood. And if anyone threatens them afterward, we will make quick work of them." She almost wished that Henry and Aunt Nyssa would be fool enough to try something. Morgaine wouldn't mind getting rid of them.

She grinned. "Make sure the blade is nice and sharp, then," she said. "All the better for when your enemies scream in agony as you run them through."

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