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Damien al Ghul/Damien Wilson ([info]headofthedemon) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Damien listens to Morgaine's words and finds the world tilting upon its axis as she tells him about the pregnancy test. He wasn't sure he'd heard his sister right.

"Morgaine...are you certain of this? Is there any chance he could have been mistaken?" Damien asks, afraid to hope that this was the reason for Lian's increased appetite and quiet before she left. Had she been afraid to tell him this?

How did he not know?

Damien sank into his chair in shock that quickly gave way to ice-cold determination. He could /not/ fail to rescue his wife from these people.

His wife and their child.

"Morgaine...she's going to bear my heir. The one thing I've always wanted, Lian is going to give me. She knows how important having a child is to me, Morgaine.

I have to save her now. She and the baby are the most important things in this mission; their safety is paramount." Damien says, standing up and walking over to Morgaine.

He hugs his younger sister tightly, knowing that she is not used to such affection, except from him.

"Thank you for bringing this to me, Morgaine. I am grateful and in your debt." Damien whispers.

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