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Morgaine King/ Morgan Head ([info]demonchild) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
"We will do this, Damien," Morgaine said.

She then turned to the decoy.

"Leave us."

She waited until the decoy was gone before she spoke again.

"I was hoping to not bring this up, but given the circumstances, I believe I must.

On her mission to Star City, I paid off a member of our own to trail Lian. I still didn't fully trust her, you see, and was only thinking of yours and the League's best interest.

My man was not able to follow her on her mission, because he found out something of great importance and felt that I must be informed right away."

She looked Damien directly in the eye.

"When going through her room, he found an at home pregnancy test.

It was positive, Damien."

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