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Damien al Ghul/Damien Wilson ([info]headofthedemon) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
The rest of the League members are in attendance as the Demon's Fang arrives, and Damien sits in his chair, staring into space as his sister arrives. The only members conspicuous by their absence are Lady Vic and Bane.

When she arrives, he nods once at her, then returns to brooding. Lian's absence has left a void in his heart, and he can't imagine what indignities these people are heaping upon her even now.

"You all know why we are here. My Lady has been kidnapped and Bane is being held prisoner in Star City, California. My father is also being held prisoner in one of their facilities. These offenses will /not/ stand." Damien intones, looking now at each of his trusted people.

"I have been offered insult by Lian's jailer, but I did not call upon all of you assuage my pride. Lian has become one of us and Bane is one of us. I will not allow them or my father to suffer indignities while I yet have the power to change. We do /not/ leave our brethren to torment and death. We cause these things.

We will move upon Star City in force and liberate our brethren, and then we will slaughter those responsible for their imprisonment and any who stand between us and them. The preparations are already underway, but our attack will be three-pronged and I will lead you into field myself." Damien says.

"Our first target will be the Super-Max prison where my father, Deathstroke is being held. I have reason to believe that Bane is also being held there. Vesper, you will take one other person lead the attack there, release them and get my father to safety. You and Bane will then follow my tracking signal and meet me for my part of the plan." Damien says.

"Morgaine, select a team and you will lead the second part of the attack. You will find this Red Robin and slaughter anyone who stands with him. I want him to watch his friends and loved ones die for his arrogance and then you will deliver the deathblow yourself." Damien says.

"Bring me his head."

"I will lead the third part of the attack to liberate my wife from her confinement. We will show no mercy to all who oppose us. If they offer to stand aside, let them. If they do not, liberate them from the mortal coil." Damien commands.

"Are there any questions?" he asks.

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