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dc_parent ([info]dc_parent) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-11-09 01:38:00

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Things We Leave Behind (open to Titans)
It wasn't exactly the sort of thing Dolphin enjoyed doing, or ever wanted to do, but someone had to gather up Caitria's belongings and give them to Arthur. The Titans wouldn't keep her things forever and Dolphin didn't want to see them get thrown out. They were what was left of Princess Little Fish as Cerdian liked to call Cait.

Arthur was in no shape to do it. To say that Dolphin was worried about her long time friend, her king and the man who was once a lover, was an understatement. Arthur had lost his son, his wife and his daughter and looked like a man about to fall into the abyss. Dolphin knew that if given the chance Arthur would follow them into the grave.

Dolphin placed the last of the books in one of the three boxes. Cait hadn't been one to have many possessions and all of hers from her time on the surface had fit into three boxes. Her clothes had been bagged up and donated to Goodwill. The books and other small items would be stored until Arthur decided what to do with them. If he ever did.

Dolphin wasn't surprised to find that most of Cait's possessions were books. She was more like Arthur than the two of them cared to admit. Both loved to read and learn, which is why Dolphin understood Cait's desire to be on the surface. There was so much more to see, do and learn than in Atlantis. Arthur never understood and it caused so many problems between father and daughter.

Dolphin looked around. The room was bare and all clothes and possessions had been bagged and boxed up. Except for the one item Dolphin didn't know what to do with.

It was a statue of a dolphin playing on the waves. Dolphin had initially thought it had been made out of crystal, but when she took a closer look at it she discovered it had been made out of ice. Somehow it was not melting. The craftsmanship was exquisite and the details were amazing. It was so life like that she almost expected the thing to start moving. It was a very Cait item and Dolphin guessed it had been a gift.

Maybe one of the Titans had given it to her and would like it back to remember Cait by. Dolphin went to see who was around.

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