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dc_parent ([info]dc_parent) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
"She wasn't anything before. She was a fifteen year old kid who kept her grades up and didn't date." Max starts to bristle. "And seriously, Rex? It might be weird, but if Cindy was setting out for a quick screw-someone-over experimentation, I provided her with an entire all-girl boarding school to kiss and pay off in. Apparently, she was more interested in Nicolette."

He doesn't bother to correct him about his and Claire's current marital status. He doesn't expect random young Neanderthals to keep up with their divorce-and-re-marriage cycle.
Instead, he says coldly. "I can maintain my rep no matter whose hand my daughter may be holding. Unless you have a legal foot to stand on, kid, and I know you don't, just accept that Cindy's going to get whatever she wants for now."

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