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terra_mater ([info]terra_mater) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-10-30 22:05:00

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Entry tags:inactive - calypso, inactive - j'anna j'onnz, joey mason, team - outsiders

Open to Outsiders

Calypso was back in her domain, the sub-basement of the Outsiders HQ. The Titans of Myth were defeated and she could take a break from the frustrations of the entire incident. After a period of rest, she ventured into the kitchen on the main floor and started making Hamburger Helper for lunch.

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2010-11-01 12:35 am UTC (link)
"Huh," Joey said. "Pretty trusting."

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2010-11-01 12:40 am UTC (link)
"Very much so," Calypso replied. "Truthfully, I'm only staying on this team because of that, even though she is gone now."

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2010-11-01 10:30 pm UTC (link)
Joey nodded. "Eh, I'm here 'cause it gives me something to do, really. I mean, I really want as little to do with my old man as possible, but it beats just hanging around."

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2010-11-03 02:19 am UTC (link)
There was something Calypso could relate to in that sentiment, but she kept it under wraps. She did show a sign of interest, however. "If I knew you were looking for something to do, I would have invited you to join me in fighting the Titans of Myth."

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2010-11-03 04:00 pm UTC (link)
Joey shrugged. "Don't worry about it."

He smiled though. "Heard you laid a pretty good smack down though."

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2010-11-03 04:09 pm UTC (link)
"Only in the end," Calypso replied. "I made sure the enemy wasn't able to get back up, but I didn't land the finishing strike. A girl from the Teen Titans did a lot of the work."

She could mention Petra, but she was trying to forget about that part of the fight.

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2010-11-03 05:36 pm UTC (link)
"Huh," he said. "Well, good for her. Either way, you did more than we did when the team went up against one of those guys. I think I'm still breaking out in small fires over that one."

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2010-11-03 05:55 pm UTC (link)
"I learned that surface schools tell children to stop, drop and roll on the ground if they're on fire," she mused.

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2010-11-03 09:58 pm UTC (link)
"That usually works," Joey agreed. "I just turn into water or asbestos or somethin'."

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2010-11-05 02:44 am UTC (link)
"Interesting," Calypso replied. "Your power is very unexpected."

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2010-11-05 05:03 pm UTC (link)
"It's got its perks," Joey agreed. "Can pretty much turn myself into anything."

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2010-11-12 01:13 am UTC (link)
"Even stone?" she asked. She wondered about the possibilities of that, for combat.

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2010-11-12 07:59 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah, I guess so," Joey said. "I usually do metals, mostly, and gases, but I can do all kinds of rock."

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