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dc_checkmate ([info]dc_checkmate) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-10-16 00:37:00

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Two days after a shooting in the Triangle, Angela Holt drives her Mercedes Benz to the small office in the gang-infested part of Star City. This place looks like a bigger dump than it did the last four times she's come here, but in order to get what she needed, she had to deal with Michelle Torres. Angela likes this idea as much as she likes the idea of a root canal, but if they're going to do this job, they're going to need someone who knows the lay of the land.

The other three operatives for this little shindig would get pulled together as quickly as she could manage, but starting with Floyd Lawton's kid was the easiest way to go. Only one of the remaining three would be a tough sell, if any. There wasn't a reason to think Merlyn would say no.

Getting out of the car, Angie straightens out her black pantsuit and runs a hand through her hair. She looked too much like her mother some days, minus the weight. Tucking her gun into the holster at the small of her back, Angie puts on her black coat and starts to close the car door, then stops.

"Wait, let's not be stupid." she says to herself, reaching into the glove compartment and with drawing the small sphere with an engraved "T" on the face. She sets the T-Sphere's parameters and lets it go. The little thing vanishes and Angie suddenly feels about thirty times safer than she did with just the gun. She closes the car door and then heads into the apartment building.

Approaching the door to the apartment, Angie knocks, readying the little document that substantiates her cover story.

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