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dc_titansofmyth ([info]dc_titansofmyth) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-10-15 20:35:00

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Entry tags:dinadan palmer, dinah kord, inactive - calypso, npc - maxine gibson, petra gardner, plot - "time of troubles"

Crius and Coeus
Crius and Coeus walked side by side toward the massive factory that belong to LexCorp. Crius picked up a parked car and threw it at the building. Coeus mirrored his brother's actions and launched a car of his own at the building. They made their way slowly through the parking lot and threw the employees cars at the factory.

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2010-10-15 11:22 pm UTC (link)
Dinah dropped down from where she'd been perched, pointed... and unleashed a swarm of flying clockwork beetles, all firing little spears.

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2010-10-16 12:41 am UTC (link)
"Just remember, Team Petra, I'm not a bad girl. I'm just empowered that way." Petra practically sings as she starts floating into the air. Her image seems to grow larger than her body, sans clothing, and confronts the two Titans. She sings.

"Come here baby
I got something for you
Don't you wanna come with me?
Let's go..

She sways and directs her voice towards each of the brothers in turn, giving each of them a pointed glance when she goes to the other. With any luck, it'll at least throw off any interest they have in backing one another up, if not turn them on each other.

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2010-10-18 04:33 am UTC (link)
What Petra didn't realize was that Crius and Coeus weren't very complementing of each others' skills. Crius was more of the violent type, and now Petra had his full attention. He picked up a car and launched it at her.

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2010-10-18 04:38 am UTC (link)
Coeus was the more intelligent of the two. Petra's attempt at swaying him with her voice was reminiscent of Aphrodite a long time ago. But, like then, he wasn't going to fall victim to that trick, unlike his brother. He'd have to keep an eye on the brutish one; if Crius didn't kill the girl before she fully swayed him, Coeus would be in for some trouble just like last time.

In the meantime, Coeus tossed cars into the volley of tiny spears and at the little beetles, protecting them from a good deal of the attack. There were a few little pricks in the brothers, but nothing too bothersome for the moment. "I advise you three young ladies to leave."

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2010-10-18 04:40 am UTC (link)
"I advise you to watch your step," Calypso replied. Sharp stalagmites rose from the ground around Coeus and Crius, slanted inward toward them.

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2010-10-18 10:37 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah? The whole leaving thing? Not happening. Us. Anyway. You two are free to leave."

Dinah touched a stud on her gauntlet, calling in larger, flying beetles, easily the size of a horse. They fired on the brothers.

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2010-10-19 01:36 am UTC (link)
Petra was angry the attack with her singing didn't work, but she tried to turn it to her advantage. She created an ice slide and, rather than intercepting the car, redirected it, sending it flying at Coeus.

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2010-10-20 07:41 pm UTC (link)
Crius jumped high up into the air, vertically, toward Petra. He entirely avoided Calypso's attack and the projectiles from Dinah. Coming in from the air, Crius readied himself to land On Top of Petra.

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2010-10-20 07:46 pm UTC (link)
Coeus could easily tell that the three of the women did not know each other well enough to work as a functioning team. He sat down Indian-style, avoiding having his body riddled with holes by the stalagmites, and then punched the back for an opening and rolled out. The car had flown directly over him, and the projectiles sent by Dinah missed him, for the most part. They had broken through and glided across his skin, scratching him in places and skidding across him to form bruises in others. But for the most part, Coeus was fine.

He started snapping off the stalagmites from the ground and threw them at Dinah and Calypso.

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2010-10-20 07:50 pm UTC (link)
Calypso narrowed her brow and swept away the stalagmites projected at both her and Dinah with a wave of her hands, redirecting them back at Coeus. He knew how to move, but using the earth to attack her was a foolish move.

Besides that attack, Capyso had something else in mind to seize the battle. She threw her arms out, and the ground beneath the battling group rumbled. A ring around the fighters, about the size of an skating rink, cracked into existence. "Somebody cover me!" she yelled to her temporary teammates.

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2010-10-20 09:40 pm UTC (link)
"ON IT!" Dinah shouted.

She quickly assembled bits and pieces she had brought with her, putting together what looked like a clockwork laser cannon. She fired several covering shots for Calypso.

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2010-10-20 11:40 pm UTC (link)
Petra stares hard as the Titan comes at her. Okay, so jealousy didn't work. Let's try enthralling.

She lets the leap come right at her, receiving him with open arms, singing again.

"I don't wanna fight no more,
I forgot what we were fighting for,
and this loneliness that's in my heart,
won't let me be apart from you...

She slides hands down his chest, locking eyes with his and letting her tongue slide across her lips.

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2010-10-21 01:45 am UTC (link)
Crius paused for the moment, and then shook his head to break the temporary hold of Petra's voice. He was more susceptible to such tricks, as proven with Aphrodite in the war so long ago. In his freedom from the trick, he reared his head back and slammed it forward to smash it into her face.

He was mad, and capable of falling prey to her. He needed to end her soon.

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2010-10-21 01:48 am UTC (link)
Coeus frowned when his first attack failed, and then threw a car at Calypso. However, Dinah's interference foiled his projectile attack. He knew Calypso was up to something with her powers. He needed to finish her first, but the annoyance of Dinah's attack (which were still quite effective) had proven immeasurably adverse to his cause.

He was reduced to trying to avoid beams from Dinah's creations.

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2010-10-21 01:51 am UTC (link)
The ground shook more, and cracking sounds filled the air. And then, everybody was being lifted into the air on a platform of earth. It was a risky move for Calypso, but she was confident that she could pull it off. Once she got them high enough into the air, and after a few other factors had been put into effect, she would make the Titans fall (double meaning!).

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2010-10-21 11:18 pm UTC (link)
Still firing her rifle, Dinah called out for another swarm of clockwork beetles to kamikaze run on the gods.

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2010-10-22 03:36 pm UTC (link)
Petra brings a hand up in front of her, catching the headbutt with her hand over his mouth, kissing the back of her hand.

Okay, time to up the ante. She grapples with him, if you could call it that, and starts belting out something with a little more... oomph.

"Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me
Dont cha, dont cha
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me
Dont cha, dont cha..

Her other hand runs through his hair. If this is what she got dealt, she's going to work it.

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2010-10-22 05:06 pm UTC (link)
Admittedly, it's harder for Crius to resist. Granted, he's still aggressive beyond belief. So when he tried wrapping his hands around the back of Petra's head to pull her closer to him, he was being vastly aggressive about it. He could be tamed by that same power, yes, so it wasn't the biggest concern at hand.

The concern was the kamikaze run Dinah had her mechanical bugs on, which was placed on both of the Titans.

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2010-10-22 05:10 pm UTC (link)
Coeus had a problem, truly. Dinah's concentrated fire on him kept him away from Calypso. He was being worn down and kept away from another threatening tactic. And even worse, Crius was falling under that girl's spell.

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2010-10-22 05:14 pm UTC (link)
Calypso was focused on raising the earthen platform holding them all higher into the air.

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2010-10-22 06:38 pm UTC (link)
Riley had been trying to herd civilians away, but now that the area was deserted enough, he swooped in at Coeus, unleashing a volley of blasts at his face.

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2010-10-22 06:40 pm UTC (link)
"All right..." Dinah said. "Time for Big Mama."

It was another clockwork beetle, this one the same size as the Bug. The surviving smaller ones fled, as it began to charge a blast in its horn.

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2010-10-27 09:12 pm UTC (link)
All right, that's enough. This was a little squicky for her, and her kind of boyfriend was right over there running tech support, but this was an emergency.

She wrapped her legs around Crius and kissed him full on the mouth, willing power into him, tangling him in it like a fly in a spider's web as she flew upwards with him, away from the spears. He would be hers, or he'd feel so damn good he'd likely pass out.

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2010-10-30 06:59 pm UTC (link)
He was into it, but he didn't pass out. And he was still pretty rough about it.

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2010-10-30 07:00 pm UTC (link)
Coeus is doing what he can to avoid being hit, and slowly making his way toward one of his targets.

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2010-10-30 07:02 pm UTC (link)
"Stop being a slut and put him down here!" Calypso shouted to Petra. She wasn't having trouble holding things up, but it was irritating to see some little girl making out with the enemy when they were trying to beat the crap out of them.

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2010-10-30 08:09 pm UTC (link)
Dinadan scowls a little from where he's providing Dinah with back-up tech-support.

"Don't call my girlfriend a slut," he mutters under his breath as he works. "She's being powered by Aphrodite, and slut-shaming's tacky."

He's not looking though, since it makes his stomach feel all angry and twisty and he knows that he couldn't pop Crius's eyeballs out of his head on his best day, so he just takes comfort and smug pleasure in the fact that at the end of the fight, he is going to be the one that gets to kiss Petra and make her celebratory cakes.

Neener neener neener, Crius.

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2010-10-30 09:21 pm UTC (link)
"Everybody get back!" Dinah shouted. "The gun's charged! Firing in five... four..."

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2010-10-31 08:28 am UTC (link)
Riley hovered into a flank with Dinah, ready to use his forcefield to help shield her as well from any back-blast.

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2010-10-31 08:29 am UTC (link)
Petra breaks off the kiss, touching a hand to the Titan's face. "Sorry hon... you're not my type."

She releases her legs, and flings him into the blast zone.

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2010-10-31 09:57 pm UTC (link)
Crius is thrown into the blast zone.

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2010-10-31 09:59 pm UTC (link)
Coeus is still chasing down a target, getting well away from the blast zone in the process.

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2010-10-31 10:06 pm UTC (link)
Dinah was practically cackling with fan-girlish glee.


A massive energy beam lanced out from the giant clockwork scarab's horn toward the Titans.

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2010-10-31 10:19 pm UTC (link)
Thankfully, the angle and size of the blast caught both Crius and Coeus, heavily damaging them and breaking through the ground beneath them. The two Titans fell through the hole in the sky platform of earth, falling three quarters of a mile to the ground.

Calypso added to the damage by breaking apart the earth platform and throwing most of it on top of the Titans, burying them in the ground when they hit it, and doing extra damage. She kept enough of the platform to hold the heroes, and then turned to look at Dinadan.

"Aphrodite is the Goddess of love, to my knowledge. And love is not a matter of making yourself available to anyone. It's the opposite. If your girlfriend is not a slut, then maybe she should realize she isn't the Avatar of one."

As she said her piece, she lowered the platform down at a moderate speed until they were returned to Earth's surface.

Crius and Coeus were still buried, and they weren't moving. Dinah's big attack had been the big finisher, and Calypso just put enough on top of them to double check. We're done with these two. I would also like to go home now.

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2010-10-31 10:30 pm UTC (link)
“Looks like they are already half way there as it is,” Mike said appearing from the shadows before vanishing again to the bottom of the pit to send them back letting the shadows consume the fallen titans to take them back to their prison.

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