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dc_titansofmyth ([info]dc_titansofmyth) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Coeus was the more intelligent of the two. Petra's attempt at swaying him with her voice was reminiscent of Aphrodite a long time ago. But, like then, he wasn't going to fall victim to that trick, unlike his brother. He'd have to keep an eye on the brutish one; if Crius didn't kill the girl before she fully swayed him, Coeus would be in for some trouble just like last time.

In the meantime, Coeus tossed cars into the volley of tiny spears and at the little beetles, protecting them from a good deal of the attack. There were a few little pricks in the brothers, but nothing too bothersome for the moment. "I advise you three young ladies to leave."

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