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dc_titansofmyth ([info]dc_titansofmyth) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-10-15 18:41:00

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Entry tags:inactive - brainiac 6, inactive - zor-l, jon kent, plot - "time of troubles"

Hyperion fight
Hyperion stood outside the LexCorp manufacturing plant just outside Metropolis. Fire with the heat of the sun behind it came to his hands and he threw it toward the chemical storage tanks.

A few moments later explosions filled the cool autumn air.

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2010-10-16 08:14 pm UTC (link)
Super-hearing was definitely a perk.

"I would have thought him more intelligent than this. It seems I was wrong."

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2010-10-17 02:49 am UTC (link)
Hyperion sent out more blasts of fire at the mortals. He would incinerate them where they stood. How dare they oppose him and the rightful rulers of the Earth?

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2010-10-18 02:04 am UTC (link)
Jon takes the hit, barely giving ground. He draws in a deep breath, then deeper, more and more, testing his own Kryptonian capacity and the strength of Herakles, before exhaling a concentrated blast. Windstorm strength, building to hurricane, then more as he puts his new godly might behind his super-breath, ice crystals, then ice structurles building along the route of the intensely focused wind tunnel.

He gestures for the other two to join. He didn't tell the Titan, of course, but the three Kryptonians, like the titan, draw their strength from the sun, and he'd waited until the Titan's power had charged and strengthened him as much as possible, all the absorption akin to being near the sun itself, soaking in its power on top of that normal to him, then adding the strength of Herakles.

In a battle of strength and power, even with all he has, this could be a long, hard fight. But with the help of his relatives, he hopes taking the opposite tactic as Hyperion, trying to freeze the sun god in place, extinguish his heat and light, will succeed instead.

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2010-10-18 03:02 am UTC (link)
Zandor drew in his breath and puffed out his chest. He couldn't build up something as goo as Jon could at this point, but he unleashed his own cold breath at Jon's side.

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2010-10-18 09:36 pm UTC (link)
Alura added her own freeze-breath to the equation.

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2010-10-19 01:42 am UTC (link)
Hyperion didn't like the cold. He was the god of the sun and of light and cold was against what he was. He called on more of his powers and started radiating the light and the heat of the sun.

"Foolish mortals!" he bellowed. "You cannot stop us. Worship us as you should!"

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2010-10-19 04:51 am UTC (link)
Perfect. As Hyperion heats up, putting out more solar light and heat. Jon moves closer, soaking it in to replenish the strength he's expending. There's a brief moment to draw in another breath while the other two keep it up, then the freezing hurricane picks back up while he does his best to draw Hyperion's power away from him.

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2010-10-20 12:49 am UTC (link)
The solar energy sends a pleasant charge through Alura's body.

"I worship Rao," she declared between breaths. "Not you."

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2010-10-21 02:38 am UTC (link)
The heat is sucked away from Hyperion and the Titan faltered a bit. He tried to produce more heat and light, but it was getting harder and harder to do so.

"Enough of this!" he shouted and tried to take a swing at one of them.

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2010-10-21 02:40 am UTC (link)
Classic Superman move time. Jon does know something about hand to hand, after all, and the Titan has been slowed down by the cold.

He catches the huge fist in one hand. It hurts, almost breaking his hand, but the strength of Herakles and Kryptonian durability hold up. He crushes down with all the newfound strength in his fingers, holding his opponent in place as he throws a haymaker with the other hand.

"You're absolutely right... you can fall down now."

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2010-10-22 05:17 pm UTC (link)
Zandor grabbed at Hyperion's right ankle after Jon's haymaker and tried to slam him into the ground. Alura was up for the next hit.

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2010-10-22 06:42 pm UTC (link)
Alura did some quick calculations in her head and decided on the precise amount of force needed and the precise spot to deliver it at.

She delivered her own strike as Zandor slammed him down.

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2010-10-23 01:24 am UTC (link)
Hyperion slammed into the ground. There was some minor shaking and a Hyperion shaped dent in the Earth.

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2010-10-23 03:01 am UTC (link)
Time for the big hits. While the other two lift and slam the Titan, and Alura works on slowing him from getting up, Jon is rising a few hundred feet in the air.

Heat vision, for once, won't help against this foe, so he leads with Herakles' empowered hurricane force breath to both slow the Titan, and keep him pressed down in the target zone as Jon dives, picking up speed until he's just a blue blur, leading with one fist, going for an epic collision with Hyperion.

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2010-10-23 03:03 am UTC (link)
Zandor gets out of the way so he doesn't get caught up in the residual impact.

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2010-10-23 03:09 am UTC (link)
Alura quickly moved out of the way, but readied herself in case more action was needed.

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2010-10-23 03:24 am UTC (link)
Hyperion was driven further into the ground. He was now a good fifty feet below the surface. He was still moving albeit slowly.

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2010-10-23 03:26 am UTC (link)
"Let's try this again." Jon offers, taking the time while Hyperion climbs to draw in a deep breath, then more, then more, testing the might of Herakles and all his solar-enhanced Kryptonian might, releasing a new wave of super-cold breath as the Titan emerges from the hole, however slowly. Time to send this one home on ice.

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2010-10-23 03:29 am UTC (link)
"Awesome," Zandor chimed in. He added his own cold breathe into it.

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2010-10-23 03:32 am UTC (link)
Alura inhaled deeply, using her lungs to super-compress the air until it was bitterly cold, then released the breath with the others.

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2010-10-23 03:44 am UTC (link)
Thick ice formed around the Titan and the cold froze the outer layers of his skin. He couldn't move, but the ice was creaking under his efforts to move.

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2010-10-23 03:47 am UTC (link)
The ice thickens, Jon continues to pour it on. They're close now, and with every second, more and more of the Titan's heat is leeched away. As he sees the struggle, and more ice building, he signals to the avatar of Hades.

One ready for delivery.

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2010-10-23 03:52 am UTC (link)
Zandor kept pouring the cold on, and somehow managed to crack a smile onto his face while doing it.

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2010-10-23 03:53 am UTC (link)
Alura maintained her cold breath, at a very precise and constant rate and measure.

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2010-10-23 04:07 am UTC (link)
The ice grew and fully encased Hyperion. He stopped moving.

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