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dc_titansofmyth ([info]dc_titansofmyth) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-10-14 17:02:00

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Entry tags:ash curry, cait curry, inactive - aquaknight, npc - aquaman, npc - cerdian, npc - dolphin, npc - mera, plot - "time of troubles", tyler darnell

The Battle of Atlantis
Oceanus and his wife Tethys approached the domed city of Poseidonis. The world's oceans were once under their rule and would be once again. The usurpers, Poseidon and his followers, would be driven out and Oceanus would once again claim what was rightfully his.

Tethys was next to her husband as they approached the domed city. Poseidon's rule over the oceans would end and his mortal worshipers would properly be worshiping Tethys and Oceanus. The Titans would once again take their rightful places.

The two walked confidently up to the gates of the city.

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2010-10-18 12:57 pm UTC (link)
Ash is in shock. It had not struck her that Mera ad died until after Cait had fallen. Then everything seemed to go to hell. Which might be why he felt like retreating into herself.

Her throat tightens and she wills herself not to say a word. Because this was jut too horrific for words and nothing can fix it.

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2010-10-18 01:17 pm UTC (link)
AJ turned back into his normal self. It all happened so quickly, he could hardly believe it was real, but it was. The first friend he made on the outside was gone, and so was her mother. AJ hangs his head and grips his sword tightly. He slowly swims over to the others to join them. He was given the power of a god and in the end there was nothing he could do.

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2010-10-18 01:53 pm UTC (link)
There were tears streaming silently down Dolphin's face. Her sword was lying on the ground, and she didn't care to pick it up. Mera was dead. Cait was dead. Atlantis and the king were safe, but the cost for keeping it safe was far too great.

Dolphin wiped her tears from eyes, glancing over at her son before following after Arthur.

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2010-10-18 02:41 pm UTC (link)
"I... I didn't, it wasn't... wasn't me." he says, though it sounds hollow. There's a destroyed heart before him, and his hand is still bloody. Whether it appears to have or not, he's not sure if, really, the blood will ever come out.

And his love is dead.

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2010-10-18 09:45 pm UTC (link)
Four soldiers carried the body of the Queen while another picked up Dolphin's sword.

"If you will come with us," a captain said to Cerdian, Ty, Ash and AJ. "We will see to your injuries and needs in the city."

The rest of the soldiers fell into formation in front of and behind Arthur and the soldiers carrying Mera's body. The fallen Queen and Princess would have an honor guard.

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2010-10-19 02:12 am UTC (link)
Cerdian tries to gently guide Ty with the rest of the group, reaching out to take his mother's hand. He'd always asked Cait to stand up and fight for her people, even when she didn't want to.

Now she had, and she was dead. That made her death /his/ fault, didn't it?

If he wasn't going to die soon, he'd be wrestling with how to live with what he'd done to his Princess Little Fish.

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2010-10-19 03:53 am UTC (link)
Asherah blinked then nodded mutely. She wasn't sure who to turn to in a time like this. She already felt the ache of Cait's loss and seeing Mot--Mera die just left her very shaken.

She wanted to go home so badly. She would go with the guards. She had to make sure Cait and Mera got the respect from her they deserved.

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2010-10-19 04:03 am UTC (link)
Dolphin reached out and took her son's hand, giving it a squeeze.

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2010-10-19 06:10 pm UTC (link)
He's not injured, not physically, anyway. He's also virtually in shock. If he even heard the guards or not remains in question, but he lets himself be led.

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