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dc_titansofmyth ([info]dc_titansofmyth) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-10-14 17:02:00

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Entry tags:ash curry, cait curry, inactive - aquaknight, npc - aquaman, npc - cerdian, npc - dolphin, npc - mera, plot - "time of troubles", tyler darnell

The Battle of Atlantis
Oceanus and his wife Tethys approached the domed city of Poseidonis. The world's oceans were once under their rule and would be once again. The usurpers, Poseidon and his followers, would be driven out and Oceanus would once again claim what was rightfully his.

Tethys was next to her husband as they approached the domed city. Poseidon's rule over the oceans would end and his mortal worshipers would properly be worshiping Tethys and Oceanus. The Titans would once again take their rightful places.

The two walked confidently up to the gates of the city.

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2010-10-17 06:13 pm UTC (link)
On the other side of the world, Cerdian's nose begins to bleed as a vision assaults his mind.

Cait being impaled by Oceanus' power, unable to stop the water she called home from killing her. Queen Mera, already dead. Arthur, Mother, AJ were next.

"NOOOOOOO!" Cerdian screams.

Tyler! Hear me! Cait and the king are in danger! We must go to her, now! he calls out across the vast distance between them.

Cerdian vanishes from his current location at the Eiffel Tower and heads to the nearest lake her can find.

Diving in, he's already reciting the incantation to take him to Poseidonis, praying that he's not too late to keep one of his oldest friends from dying.

Sadly, a small part of his heart knows he's already too late.

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