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dc_gods ([info]dc_gods) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-10-08 13:01:00

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Entry tags:inactive - calypso, plot - "time of troubles"

Demeter and Calypso
Demeter, the goddess of the Earth, seasons, and the harvest, appeared in front of Calypso at Outsiders Headquarters.

"Calypso of Strata," she said, "You have been chosen as my Avatar in this time of troubles."

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2010-10-08 05:00 pm UTC (link)
Calypso was caught off guard by the appearance of the Goddess. She wasn't truly aware of the mythological Gods, and she had no idea who this woman was. "Who are you?"

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2010-10-09 12:16 am UTC (link)
"I am Demeter, the Goddess of the earth and the harvest."

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2010-10-09 03:01 am UTC (link)
"Goddess of the Earth?" That was a point of interest for Calypso. "Does this have something to do with the giant who used fire as a weapon?"

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2010-10-10 01:49 am UTC (link)
Demeter nodded. "The Titans have escaped from Hades," she said. "By divine degree, the Gods cannot interfere in affairs on the mortal plane. In these times, we chose Avatars to act as representatives for us."

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2010-10-11 09:15 pm UTC (link)
"Then I accept," Calypso replied. "I will do whatever it takes to protect this Earth." And she meant that in the most literal meaning of the declaration.

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2010-10-11 11:47 pm UTC (link)
Demeter smiled. "Very well, then," she said, taking Calypso's hands in hers, as she began the process to make her her Avatar.

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