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Bobblehead ([info]bobblehead) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
"Well of course ducks can fly, and float. Feathers float if you put them in water, which is why ducks can do that. Some mammals can swim, like you said. Penguins and ostriches kind of look like birds, but its just a trick to throw people off. I've played zoo tycoon, I see the ostriches running around with their friends the zebras and giraffes and eating the same stuff, instead of bugs and worms and birdseed. Its just a trick to confuse predators and things that might hunt mammals, but wouldn't hunt birds because they figure if they tried, the birds would just fly off. But ostriches and penguins are just tricky mammals. And so are emos. Those are kind of like ostriches, but really sad for some reason."

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