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Dinadan Palmer ([info]sonoftheatom) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
"Infinity doesn't cover the amount of 'yes' to preferring you with your pants off over Dr. Kettering," Dinadan says. He switches his phone to his other ear and rubs his hand over his face. "And no, I don't need a body guard next time I go down. First of all, I'm a nearly-grown warrior-prince of the Amazon rain forest with an outsider for a father, I've always been aware that there are people out there who want me dead and are willing to do nasty things to achieve that goal. Secondly, bringing in an outsider as a body guard would be an insult to the Katarthan warriors who serve my family, and that would add fuel to the fire of those who want me dead. Thirdly and most importantly, you're my girlfriend. It is not your job to jump between me and poisoned arrows."

He thumps his fist down on his bedside table to punctuate his point and then winces, scowling at the spoon lying innocently between his hand and the table top. Ow.

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