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dc_misc ([info]dc_misc) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-09-24 19:13:00

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Entry tags:inactive - action lad, inactive - aleea strange, inactive - alerron ya, inactive - katima sers, inactive - nightstar, plot - "rise of the darkstars", team - darkstars

Iagos Incoming!
The Normandy II enters the Iagos system, dropping out of hyperspace to reveal a green, blue and white planet that seems slightly larger than Earth, illuminated by a yellow sun. There is a sparse belt of asteroids surrounding the planet, and if one looks closely enough,  an asteroid falls toward the planet in random areas now and again. The crew members immediately get to their stations in order to calculate a flight path, analyze data and prepare Cyrus with any thing he needs to maneuver through the field.

Once the ship is through the asteroid belt, a summons is sent to each of member of the quintet, directing them to make their way to the Cargo Bay. Upon their arrival, Urdrex is waiting for them, along with five crew members who are each holding a Cerberus-logo admin suit, followed by black and red Cerberus body armor.

Once everyone is accounted for, Urdrex will motion for everyone to take a suit.

"You'll all wanna get dressed as the atmosphere here is hazardous. We're having some trouble getting the location of the mercenary base, so we may have to wait until we're closer to the planet before we can try again. The area where your special plant is is about forty human miles from the Mercenary Base. It's your choice on where you wanna start, but if those mercs are worth their salt at all, they're gonna have long-range scanners of some kind.

We can all take the shuttle down and hope it's enough to keep us off their scanners until we get what you all need. Then we proceed to the base and hopefully pick up the kid." Urdrex says.

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Re: Black Suns vs. Cyrus, Aleea and Urdrex
2010-09-28 12:11 am UTC (link)
The Asari runs down a hall into another room and presses a series of buttons on the computer console.

"If we aren't collecting the payment for these children and plants, then no one is." she snarls, engaging the bases self-destruct sequence.

Aleea, Cyrus and Urdrex all hear the the klaxons go off and the lights begin to shut down.



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Re: Black Suns vs. Cyrus, Aleea and Urdrex
2010-09-28 08:51 pm UTC (link)
"Guys," Cyrus calls. "They set the self destruct. We need to get clear. If they have more kids, can we get to them in time?"

He has no idea but they have to hurry either way.

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Re: Black Suns vs. Cyrus, Aleea and Urdrex
2010-09-28 09:55 pm UTC (link)
"We can sure as hell try!" Aleea yelled, firing up her rocket pack and zooming down the corridor.

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Re: Black Suns vs. Cyrus, Aleea and Urdrex
2010-09-29 12:00 am UTC (link)
Urdrex races after Aleea, tapping his commlink.

"Normandy II, this is Urdrex. Lock on my location and land one mile out. We got passengers. Katima, if you got that plant and the prince, we could use one o' those handy shields you got!" he says.

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