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Iris West/Impulse ([info]catchmeifyoucan) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-09-23 00:00:00

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Entry tags:cait curry, cindy lord, dinah kord, firestorm, goldstar, inactive - keith queen, inactive - steve logan, inactive - traya smith, inactive - vic dragon, inactive - wendi tyler, iris west, jerry carr, jon kent, mourning dove, npc - jai west, npc - mitzi storm, pippi peppers, steven garrick

Party time!
Since the calendar had turned to the month of September, Iris had been counting down the days until their birthday. She'd been planning the party since back in June. Jai normally had no problem letting her handle the party planning itself.

She had invited all of the Titans, including Pipi and Mitzi, of course. And Jon, Corinna, Traya, Cindy, Jerry, Keith, Cerdian, and Wendi, too. And Riley, because if she didn't invite him, he'd probably tag along with Dinah anyway. She also told Cait that she could bring her mom along, if she wanted to get out of the Tower, and that her parents probably wouldn't mind the company at all. Jai probably invited some people too, though the guest list was pretty much the same between the two of them.

Everything was all set up, and Iris placed the wrapped package that had Jai's gift on the table where the other gifts would go. Grinning from ear to ear, she waited for everyone to arrive.

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2010-09-23 03:39 pm UTC (link)
"At least she isn't running yet," Wendi giggled. Then again, so far, she was the only one of her siblings to demonstrate an active metagene, even if tests indicated all of her siblings probably would some day.

"And if you think that's bad... I'm pretty sure Mom's pregnant again."

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2010-09-23 05:27 pm UTC (link)
Iris blinked. "Wow. Uncle Rick must really want that baseball team."

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2010-09-23 10:10 pm UTC (link)
Wendi giggled at that. "You know, Grandpa Rex makes the same joke."

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