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Iris West/Impulse ([info]catchmeifyoucan) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-09-23 00:00:00

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Entry tags:cait curry, cindy lord, dinah kord, firestorm, goldstar, inactive - keith queen, inactive - steve logan, inactive - traya smith, inactive - vic dragon, inactive - wendi tyler, iris west, jerry carr, jon kent, mourning dove, npc - jai west, npc - mitzi storm, pippi peppers, steven garrick

Party time!
Since the calendar had turned to the month of September, Iris had been counting down the days until their birthday. She'd been planning the party since back in June. Jai normally had no problem letting her handle the party planning itself.

She had invited all of the Titans, including Pipi and Mitzi, of course. And Jon, Corinna, Traya, Cindy, Jerry, Keith, Cerdian, and Wendi, too. And Riley, because if she didn't invite him, he'd probably tag along with Dinah anyway. She also told Cait that she could bring her mom along, if she wanted to get out of the Tower, and that her parents probably wouldn't mind the company at all. Jai probably invited some people too, though the guest list was pretty much the same between the two of them.

Everything was all set up, and Iris placed the wrapped package that had Jai's gift on the table where the other gifts would go. Grinning from ear to ear, she waited for everyone to arrive.

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2010-09-23 02:47 am UTC (link)

Keith Queen came prepared to give amazing gifts. Jai and Iris were EASY to get gifts for, for one. And other than that, Keith was rich and had connections.

For Iris? Easy. Year long, all-access passes to Disneyland, Disney World, Disneyland Paris, And Tokyo Disneyland. He would have gotten her passes for the ones in Hong Kong and Shanghai, but that would have been overkill--and someting for him to do the next year.

And Jai was also really simple. George Lucas's autograph, WITH a date set to actually meet and hang out with the guy All Day.

Was he a little over-the-top with his gifts? Yes, he was. But that was just the kind of guy Keith was.

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2010-09-23 02:49 am UTC (link)
"Hi Keith!" Iris said, hugging him. "Glad you could make it!"

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2010-09-23 02:52 am UTC (link)
Keith returned the hug. "Wouldn't miss it! Especially not with the gifts I got you. I refuse to not see your faces."

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2010-09-23 02:53 am UTC (link)
Iris broke into a grin. "Oh? What did you get us?"

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2010-09-23 02:57 am UTC (link)
"Weeeell..." He pulled out four envelopes for Iris and handed them to her. "Happy Birthday, Iris. Happy Birthday all year long."

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2010-09-23 03:03 am UTC (link)
"Oh. My. God."

Cover your ears, Keith.


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2010-09-23 03:06 am UTC (link)
And he nearly falls back, but Keith is pretty good at quickly recovering from Iris Glomps. His ears are a little injured, though. Just a little. "Hehehe... no problem, Iris."

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2010-09-23 03:11 am UTC (link)
"Seriously, this is the most awesome birthday gift on the planet."

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2010-09-23 02:57 am UTC (link)
Jai sees Keith and offers a mega high-five. He'd hug him for the gift, but that's a breach of bro-code and birthdays are not an excuse to defile the sanctity of said ordinances.

Still, Jai West is very close to squealing like a girl.

"I don't even know what I'm going to wear! I'm going to meet George Lucas. I have to put together questions and things because every minute needs to count. Keith Queen, you are a god among men for this mighty gift, but you've also totally thrown me out of whack.

I've gotta get Traya to help me with questions. Keith, thank you again! YOU ROCK!" Jai reiterates for the fifth or sixth or maybe nineteenth time.

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2010-09-23 03:04 am UTC (link)
:: Mega high-five'd. ::

"Not a problem, dude!" Even though he was really looking forward to that squeal. He slowly and sneakily put the mini-recorder away. "Just breathe, bro. Breeeaaaaathe. That, and happy birthday. Plus, you can maybe bring your girlfriend that day, if you need help composing yourself." If she did go, Keith wanted visual and audio proof of Jai either feinting, squealing, or both.

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