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dc_monsters ([info]dc_monsters) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-09-22 21:28:00

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Entry tags:green lantern dex, inactive - traya smith, jerry carr, plot - "time of troubles", team - jla

The Real SeaHorses

A small herd of Hippocampus had charged in and taken over the harbor of Happy Harbor. They attacked any ships or people that got close to them.

They did not seem to be going after anyone once they got away from the herd.

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2010-09-27 02:20 am UTC (link)
"Yeah. The cove still gonna work or should we find someplace else?"

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2010-09-27 02:31 am UTC (link)
“This should work,” Jerry said, “They’ll probably head back out to sea once the little guys get bigger.” Tired of being carried snaps his fingers and in a flash of green appears on the shore.

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2010-09-27 02:56 am UTC (link)
Traya kept herself at a steady bob in the air.

"Sounds like a plan to me," she said.

"Nice to have an adventure that didn't end in hitting things."

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2010-09-27 03:03 am UTC (link)
Dex liked hitting things better, but in this case he would agree. The baby whatever they were were kind of cute. He didn't want anything bad to happen to them.

"Okay. Let's get them there and get them settled."

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2010-09-27 03:05 am UTC (link)
"Works for me."

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2010-09-27 03:10 am UTC (link)
"I like this plan."

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2010-09-27 04:30 am UTC (link)
It took awhile, but they managed to get the creatures to the cove. Once Dex had them in the middle of the cove he dissolved the construct.

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2010-09-27 06:58 pm UTC (link)
After calming down from the ordeal of their transportation the Hippocampus start exploring their new cove.

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2010-09-29 06:27 pm UTC (link)
"Okay little sea-horsies, you stay there and you'll be fine," Dex said. The babies were cute and even Dex could be swayed by cuteness.

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2010-09-29 08:09 pm UTC (link)
“I’ll talk to the authorities and make sure no one disturbs them,” Jerry said. There are some advantages to grandma being the chief of police.

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2010-09-29 10:24 pm UTC (link)
Traya fought back a giggle over Dex being swayed by the cuteness.

"Wish all our cases could be this easy."

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2010-10-01 01:47 am UTC (link)
Dex would deny being swayed by cuteness of course. "Let's go. We're done here."

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