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littleladylord ([info]littleladylord) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-09-10 21:59:00

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Entry tags:cindy lord, inactive - nicolette hall

It was the last Friday before school started.
Cindy had everything ready. This was a Dad Place, and Dad wasn't home. She'd made the sandwiches. She had that other stuff.

She was on top of things this time. She wasn't going to be nervous.

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2010-09-13 04:28 am UTC (link)
"You'll learn fast, but don't worry....screaming's totally normal and fully acceptable."

Nic flashed a smile, then kissed Cindy, passionately and full of intentions. It was a warning, a threat, a promise, and unless interrupted or stopped...

...Cindy was going to get an excellent education.

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2010-09-13 04:46 am UTC (link)
Cindy was a very enthusiastic learner -- and admittedly a littler faster at some subjects than she was combat.

Quite Some Time Later, after clothes were resumed, Cindy sat with her hands brushing Nic's wings. "Can I get you something to drink or anything?"

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2010-09-13 02:23 pm UTC (link)
"No, I'm good. You don't have to serve me. But the wings, oh yes. You can do that all you want." Nic cooed again, her shoulders relaxed as she stole a kiss. "So...you okay?"

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2010-09-13 07:06 pm UTC (link)
Cindy's hands stayed at work on the wings, then, echoing some of the same focusing that had gotten positive results before.

"Yeah, I'm good, thanks. Very" A pause. "I don't want to make too many assumptions, Nic," she says, looking at her intently.

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2010-09-13 07:12 pm UTC (link)
"Assumptions about...?" Nic was confused and she ran a checklist in her head. Two dates, wing massage, kissing, some really good clothes off stuff...suddenly Nic's wings drooped.

"...you don't wanna be my girlfriend?"

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2010-09-13 07:17 pm UTC (link)
Cindy blinked. "I do! I really do." She starts talking fairly rapid-fire. "We just hadn't established anything clear-cut, and I wanted you to know that if you wanted to be all extra-casual and not declare things, I could handle it maturely or at least pretend to handle it maturely."

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2010-09-13 07:21 pm UTC (link)
Not a word came from Nic. Instead, she pounced on Cindy, hugging her close, closing her wings around her and clinging.

"No one ever wants to be my girlfriend," she whispered. "I can keep you? Really?"

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2010-09-13 07:31 pm UTC (link)
Clingigng will commence
"Yes," Cindy says emphatically. "I'm all yours for as long as we can make it work."

"And really? That's...really surprising. Whom did you ask, anhedonic people?"

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2010-09-13 07:41 pm UTC (link)
"People always are interested in Mickey, not me. It's the green thing. Feathers only get you so far."

Though lots of beer was part of that distance.

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2010-09-13 07:52 pm UTC (link)
There's a part of Cindy's brain, the bit where the gears don't stop turning, processing ideas that Nic may have drawn too many conclusions from a few incidents where she came on too strong for someone or gotten over-invested.

That's not the bit that gets to talk.

"Mickey's really pretty, sure," she acknowledges matter-of-factly. "But personally, I don't think she has anything on you. You're incredible."

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2010-09-13 09:09 pm UTC (link)
"I am so keeping you." Nic kissed at Cindy's neck. "And I'm going to have to fly to your school now, you realize."

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2010-09-13 09:38 pm UTC (link)
The eagerly affirming sound at the kisses gives way to the opposite. "No. It's too far. It'd take the whole day, and you'd exhaust yourself, and there wouldn't be enough time or energy for ..." And Cindy, who is not shy but is still unused to a lot of this, manages to make herself lean over and whisper into Nic's ear what she'd want to do that would be problematic to an already exhausted Nic.

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2010-09-14 12:01 am UTC (link)
Nic actually blushes.

"Oh. Well. Then I'll just have to find another way there."

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2010-09-14 12:08 am UTC (link)
Cindy smiles. "I think lots of bribing Jerry and the Titans and the Free girls is in order... are there any teleporters in the JSA?"

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2010-09-15 06:37 pm UTC (link)
"Not that I know of, but it's possible. And we've got speedsters."

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2010-09-15 07:35 pm UTC (link)
"Good," Cindy says, nuzzling at her wings a little. "Plenty of options, then."

"I suppose I should let you get home soon. I could walk you?"

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2010-09-18 01:08 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, heading home is probably a great idea. This way Rex doesn't kill me and you and I can continue dating! I would love it if you walked me home. Gives me a chance to hold your hand s'more."

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2010-09-18 01:17 am UTC (link)
"Great!" And she'll take that hand with enthusiasm, thank you.

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2010-09-18 01:29 am UTC (link)
Happy Nic was Happy. She gleefully took hold of Cindy's hand and wouldn't let it go until they got back to the Brownstone.

Oh yes. Happy Hawk.

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