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Damien al Ghul/Damien Wilson ([info]headofthedemon) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
"No, I do not. Do you know how much administration would be involved in such a task? 'The wise man seeks only to master his world. The Fool seeks to master the whole world, without mastery of self'." Damien says.

"I have no interest in being king of the world, Lian. I do wish to live in a world that has no fear of death through war, famine or disease. If a man is just, and does his job well, he will be paid fairly and allowed to go his way. If a man commits a crime against his neighbor, he is judged swiftly and without hesitation. The lawful have no need to fear the law, or that is how it should be.

In this day and age, however, how often do you see the guilty go free while the innocent are punished? This has led to the proliferation of vigilantism and the rise of what is called the superhero." Damien tells her, kissing her lips.

"The League's purpose is not to rule the world, but to insure that the world will rule itself."

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