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Damien al Ghul/Damien Wilson ([info]headofthedemon) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
"The process is not perfected, Lian. I am still gathering data and determining what is necessary to make this happen. Still, some home is better than no hope at all, isn't it?" he asks her.

"My grandfather researched the idea of shifting human consciousness forward into the future, so that everyone can see how much brighter and better the world can be. He believed that if people could see their potential, they would be inspired to use it to bring about the utopia that humanity should already have by now." Damien says, looking at her.

"Think of it, Lian. We have all manner of advanced alien races visiting this planet or trying to conquer it regularly. Yet we, as a race, are incapable of reaching the stars for more than minutes or days at a time, despite all of the vast resources this world possesses. We still use fuels and energy that destroy our world, rather than actively develop sources of clean energy that would allow our children, and their children to inherit the Earth." he says, and there is no mistaking the passion in his voice. He had always felt strongly about all of these things and his role in providing them to the world.

"The technology to achieve this exists, Lian. It has been done before, in small stages. I aim to bring this to the entire world, and show the leaders of this world that they /can/ and /will/ enact change that benefits us all, or they will be replaced by those who can." he says.

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