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Damien al Ghul/Damien Wilson ([info]headofthedemon) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Damien watched as she snapped the guard's neck and he collapsed. It was so vicious so...sudden that he couldn't help but be inspired and just a bit taken with it.

Lian was truly one of a kind.

Once the guard was dispatched, Damien began giving orders by hand signal. Two ninja were sent to disable all security alarms and other camera on the premises. Three others were sent back to deal with any other roving security outside the base. Three further were corral the remaining scientists and complete another, smaller mission during their time here.

The final two were sent to keep watch for any new arrivals to the area. Soon enough, Damien was left alone with Lian. He directs her to follow him around the hallway to the right and down another series of turns, before they come to a large steel door in Northwest Corner of the base.

Damien waits a few seconds, punches in a series of key codes, then steps back. The door opens with a hiss of released air. Ice cold air rushes from the room, and Lian can inside that it is a weapon storage unit of some kind.

Damien removes a small pellet from his belt, crouches and rolls it across the floor into the center of the room. Nothing happens for a second, and then the pellet begins to emit white smoke.

Very soon, lethal grid of red laser lines springs into being before them.

"Show me, Lian, how you would overcome this challenge." Damien commands, speaking for the first time.

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