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dc_holiday ([info]dc_holiday) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-09-05 19:10:00

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Entry tags:dr fate, holiday, inactive - hope free, inactive - mickey rayner, inactive - mikey dugan, inactive - nicolette hall, inactive - warhawk, inactive - wendi tyler, steven garrick, team - jsa, will freeman

Labor Day - JSA
The weather was absolutely perfect for holding a cookout.

Tables had been placed on the roof of headquarters and the large grill fired up to get nice and hot. Burgers, hot dogs, sausage, ribs, corn on the cob, pasta salad, salad and fruit salad were just some of the food available to eat. Soda, water, fruit juice and other beverages were on ice.

The JSA worked as a team to prepare the food. When they were ready, they carried it all outside and started their celebration.

It was a day of rest and relaxations for those who put their lives on the line for others.

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2010-09-09 02:24 am UTC (link)
"Dude, enough with the martyr bit. Geez. Hasn't anyone ever told you to put some value in yourself? Trust me man, getting Hawknapped is a bad way of learning some self esteem but I'm pretty sure we could get some aliens to kidnap you if you don't grow a set and start respecting yourself. I don't need shoes. You could use some self-spoiling, though."

Nic ignored the magic stomach bit and dragged him tot he food...and immediately started loading things onto a plate for him.

"Beer and stale Cheerios don't count as eating. This. THIS is eating."

And for once it wasn't all bacon. Though to be certain there was a a LOT of pork products going onto that plate.

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2010-09-11 12:37 am UTC (link)
"That was just the other day. I had waffles earlier. Six of them. There may also have been coffee and bacon involved too," he says with a dismissive air. But his stomach rumbles almost ominously.

"Nic? The only pork I actually enjoy is bacon. Couldn't there be some beef involved?" That much pork made him cringe.

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2010-09-11 12:40 am UTC (link)
Nic looked at Mark like he had kicked her puppy.

"You...don't like ribs?"

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2010-09-11 12:42 am UTC (link)
"I prefer beef ribs," he mutters with an embarrassed clearing of his throat.

"My favorite foster Mother was Jewish, you see. Reformed, yes. But she only ever let us kids have bacon.... Too much pork just feels weird to me, you know." He had pleasant memories of that place.

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2010-09-11 12:45 am UTC (link)
"Oh my god you're insane. You've spent too much time in books and in the clutches of the Anti Pig Authorities. Pigs are a magical animal, Mark! Rexdaddy taught me that from the time I was a tiny bird with no wings!" Indeed it was one of the only memories she had of him, the long explanation of why pigs were magic.

"You should at least TRY a pig rib. I can wrap it in bacon?"

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2010-09-11 12:50 am UTC (link)
"She let me have bacon? She just didn't want to stray too far into ignoring the culture she grew up in," Mark defends in a soft even tone. It is obvious though he isn't offended at all. The corner of his mouth won't stop twitching after all.

"I think that sounds..... Tasty. And at least I don't insist on kosher hot dogs. Though beef hot dogs can be amazing."

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2010-09-11 12:52 am UTC (link)
"I'll give you the kosher hot dogs. Those don't suck. Especially with baconnaise." Nic sat down the plate and started sheathing ribs in bacon. "The answer is not 42. It's bacon. Honest. Here." She presented him a very baconated rib.

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2010-09-11 01:00 am UTC (link)
She really is obsessed with bacon, isn't she?

He takes a bite. Then. Well. The sound he makes it not for public use really. "Oh my god."

Om nom nom. That rib is very quickly stripped bare. Nic should be careful to not wave her fingers in the face of a hungry tall skinny guy.

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2010-09-11 01:02 am UTC (link)
"Hee! Have another. Maybe a dozen." She hands him more, mindful of her fingers. She understands bacongasm.

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2010-09-11 01:04 am UTC (link)
More like he just realized he hasn't eaten since about six am. He tears into them with gusto.

"Thanks Nic." There is furious chewing. "Didn't realize I was hungry."

Much more chewing. "It takes me a while to notice when I'm hungry."

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2010-09-11 01:05 am UTC (link)
"Is because you don't pay any attention to yourself, Princess. Really. You should trust me more. I know what's good for you. Like bacon-wrapped ribs. Oh, there's potato salad, too. Just it has no bacon."

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2010-09-11 01:14 am UTC (link)
"I just got caught up in that book." He shrugs.

"Books distract me. It's... one of the reasons I don't date. Women hate it when you like books more than them, or some strange reason," he says with an amused twist of his lips.

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2010-09-11 01:26 am UTC (link)
"Then you need to work on finding women who you like more than books. Dude, really. I'm jailbait and I have a better sex life than you do and there is NOTHING wrong with you. Even your nerdfactor isn't that bad."

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2010-09-11 01:33 am UTC (link)
He shouldn't say that's impossible because then Nic might go behind his back and put up a personal ad. He wouldn't put it past her.

"It's because I also like beer, hmm?" He smirks lightly. "I suppose I could do with.... getting out more."

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2010-09-11 01:36 am UTC (link)
The personal ad was in fact something Nic would do. It was something she was already working on.

"Beer's a start! And they serve beer in BARS! Hell, there's even some Irish bar thing around here where you could take a book and NO ONE would look at you funny. Except for the Hawk with a mace staring at you from the window."

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2010-09-11 01:44 am UTC (link)
"Well so long as I don't end up a lush in an attempt to meet people," Mark says with a shrug.

"Ah! I know the place you're talking about. It's nice. Good crowd. More my style than Warrior's, really. I don't like superhero groupies. They tend to not be very bright."

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2010-09-11 02:12 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, they're a little on the dumb side. And you can't handle dumb. That's why we'll do an IQ test."

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2010-09-11 02:20 am UTC (link)
"If they recognize Tennyson, I'd be pleased., They don't need to be geniuses you know. But I like discussing literature with people I like if they show an interest."

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2010-09-11 02:32 am UTC (link)
"I can put that on the application!!!" Nic was enthusiastic about this, and she offered Mark another rib.

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2010-09-11 02:54 am UTC (link)
"Application?" He will chuckle and take the offered rib. "Is that necessary?"

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2010-09-11 02:56 am UTC (link)
"Yup. That way you don't end up with a loser or a groupie."

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