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Shiera Hall//Nicolette Hall ([info]hawkgirl) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
She arched one brow.

"You're being a whiny ass pussy." With one quick swipe, she confiscated his book. "In case you haven't noticed or somehow failed to read JSA 101, lots of us who have certain mantles have capes to fill and people who 'knew the other guy' before some monster ate him or he disappeared or he got a sex change or whatever. Some of those 'other guys' have even gone evil or gone mild or something other than being here and doin' what we do. So your dude in the hat number 2 or whatevs. I'm chick with a mace number eleventy or some shit but you don't see me cowering in a corner worrying about people thinkin' I'm not my mom or my dad or whatever winged thing to carry a mace was. Fuck, Rex even has it worse. You didn't get born into this crazy, you got picked. And instead of doing something with that you're sitting here being a girl about the fact you aren't the other dude--who I don't even know, by the way, when the truth is no one here expects you to be the other dude."

She shook her head.

"And I've got news for you, Cap. You're not keeping an eye on us if you're too busy comparing yourself to some nonexistent yardstick and finding yourself lacking. Only way you can be a role mode and a guardian is to suck it up and realize that the only person you can possibly be is you. Or in this case, you in a hat. Now, get off your ass, stop being a girl, or I'll mace you."

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