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dc_holiday ([info]dc_holiday) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-09-05 19:06:00

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Entry tags:cait curry, dinah kord, holiday, inactive - vic dragon, iris west, npc - mitzi storm, pippi peppers, team - teen titans

Labor Day - Titans
The weather was absolutely perfect in San Francisco and it was perfect for holding a cookout.

Tables had been placed outside and the large grill fired up to get nice and hot. Burgers, hot dogs, sausage, ribs, corn on the cob, pasta salad, salad and fruit salad were just some of the food available to eat. Soda, water, fruit juice and other beverages were on ice.

The Titans worked as a team and as a family to prepare the food. When they were ready, they carried it all outside and started their celebration.

It was a day of rest and relaxations for those who put their lives on the line for others.

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2010-09-07 12:15 am UTC (link)
Riley looks at their hands together, smirks, shakes his loose, and promptly slips it around her waist. "Let's." He grins at her.

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2010-09-07 12:37 am UTC (link)
Once they were inside, Dinah tried to get everyone's attention. Sure, it was attention whoring, but hey, what else were they going to do?

"Okay, everybody? I think most of you have met Riley. My boyfriend."

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2010-09-07 12:42 am UTC (link)
Riley puts a hand up, pointing to himself. "That would be me. Better known as Goldstar, protecting your future, today. You're welcome."

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2010-09-07 01:50 am UTC (link)
"Yeah we have. Congrats."

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2010-09-07 01:59 am UTC (link)
"Oh you are?" Iris shrugged. "I thought you were gay."

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2010-09-07 02:02 am UTC (link)
Face, meet palm. "Have you noticed no one we tell is ever surprised?" she asked Riley.


"He's not. Definitely not."

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2010-09-08 02:38 am UTC (link)
"Really definitely not." Riley confirms, after a facepalm of his own.

"My name is Riley Carter, and I am a Dinah-holic."

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