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Lian Harper/Jade Arrow ([info]rightontarget) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-08-31 01:44:00

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Entry tags:inactive - calypso, inactive - j'anna j'onnz, inactive - lian harper, inactive - max szasz, npc - tim drake, plot - "dangerous little games we play", team - outsiders

Hitting the dusty trail (open to Outsider's reactions)
Lian had been giving this some thought. Ever since she'd discovered that her mother was alive.

Cheshire needed to be stopped. While Cheshire was her mother, and yes, Lian did love her, and knew that her mother loved her in her own way, she couldn't just let her keep killing people.

She had to find. Had to make sure that she stopped her for good. While she wouldn't kill her own mother, she could at least make sure that she was put away somewhere where she WOULDN'T escape this time.

This was something she had to do on her own. As much as she trusted her new team, it was something she had to do with no help.

Besides, where she was going...she couldn't take her team. Hell, she couldn't even take her costume. Jade Arrow had to be left behind, and Lian had to become someone else.

Grabbing her bow and throwing knives, she left a note for the Outsiders.

Hey all,

I have to go away for awhile. I have family things that need to be taken care of, and I don't know how long it's going to take me. J'anna, you and Red Robin are in charge until I get back.


Lian left the note taped to the fridge and left the building. She had a plane to catch.

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2010-08-31 04:18 am UTC (link)
Max had a few ideas as to what she might mean by family things. As much as he would have liked to look into things his mom had taught him a few things about family and would simply keep his theories to himself and do no more with them. This all seemed a lot like Omerta to him and he would respect that.

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