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Tim Drake/Red Robin ([info]bloodred_robin) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
He'd forgotten Martians were that fast.

"Well, I have reason to believe that a prominent Star City businessman is in league with an information courier calling himself the Shadow Broker. The problem is, I've narrowed down to five different people, but none of them stands out." Red Robin says.

"I believe that one of the people here..." he shows J'anna pictures of three men and two women, "sells information to crime syndicates, terrorist organizations and several super-villains. This person has vast resources and contacts world-wide. My info net hasn't been able to touch him yet, and I think he's helping the Momchev crime syndicate that's trying to get a hold in the Triangle.

I took down one of their lieutenants last week, but I didn't have any luck cracking him." Red Robin says, starting in on the food.

He takes one bite, then another...and still another. Damn it really was good!

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