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Robert Queen/Merlyn ([info]hunters_moon) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-08-27 20:15:00

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Entry tags:inactive - jane doe-smith, inactive - robert queen

(Back-dated to June 1st)

Time flows away from him too quickly then speeds away from him as he pulls himself out of the murky waters of Keystone City, clutching the wound in his gut. He can feel it burning already and wonders how long it will be before the fever and hallucinations start. Cheshire used a poison like this on him once, during his training. He'd been sick for three days, all the while trying to keep hired killers off his back.

Compared to that, this should be a walk in the park. Stumbling away from the scene of his fight with Merlyn's daughter, Robert Queen fights to put one foot in front of the other. Coming upon a passerby as he stumbles down the streets of Keystone, he manages to steal said person's cellular phone as he doesn't have one.

It takes him a couple of tries to dial the number in question and he leaves a voice-mail when he realizes she's not available.

"It's Robert. I need you. I'll....be there in two days..." he groans, before hanging up.


Two days later, there is a knock on Jane's door. If she answers, Robert Queen, aka Jake King, promptly falls through her front door, pale, feverish and in very bad shape.

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Re: A Little While Later...
2010-09-02 04:22 am UTC (link)
"I was going to confront him after I blew up one of his warehouses and ask him why he abandoned me. I don't even know why I care so much, Jane. I shouldn't, but I do." Robert says.

"But I'll stay my hand until after I talk to your friend, if I do." he says.

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