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Jane Doe-Smith ([info]jdoesmith) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
She listens thoughtfully. She knows that he is telling her the truth. At least the truth that he knows. She knows he doesn't know everything about his Father.

Or maybe he does? She can't know for certain and it isn't her job to defend Oliver Queen to his son.

"I think you don't know everything about him. No one ever truly knows everything about someone. And it's not my job to defend Oliver Queen. Hell, I've seen the results of people who are like you say Oliver Queen is. They're not good people. And.... Are you even certain he knows about you? I find it hard to swallow that someone who has looked after kids who aren't his wouldn't even try to get to know his own son. It doesn't fit. I mean unless he and your mother had a falling out of some kind."

She has no idea really.

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