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Dinah Kord ([info]bwa_ha_ha) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-26 21:31:00

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Entry tags:dinah kord, goldstar

Mark Your Calendars
The Time Bubble appeared on a Gotham City rooftop with minimal fanfare, drawing as little attention to itself as possible.  It was many years before the current generation of heroes would be born, many years before many of their parents would even meet.  It was an era were Gotham was blessed by three guardians, a Batman, a Robin, and a Batgirl.  It was a happier time and an era where the evil did not seem quite so terrible.

"The Calendar Man?" Dinah asked Riley.  "Really?  We're here to stop the Calendar Man?"

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Re: Inside
2010-08-10 03:19 am UTC (link)
Think! Use your hero brain!

"Uh... I... I mean... BLACK FRIDAY!"

A big-screen television falls from above towards Calendar Man, various other home theatre components falling towards the sharks.

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Re: Inside
2010-08-10 03:47 am UTC (link)

The television lands hard on the Calendar Man, knocking him to the floor and making the sharks disappear.

He managed to reach up just enough to touch the calendar again. "Cinco de Mayo!"

Look out for the giant pinata, Riley.

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Re: Inside
2010-08-10 03:49 am UTC (link)
This time, at least, Dinah's on the ball. She works up enough momentum to swing, driving both feet into the pinata, breaking through it and showering everyone with candy.

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Re: Inside
2010-08-10 03:46 pm UTC (link)
With Dinah pulling off the interception, Riley manages to pull back enough to keep the calendar away from the villain. The effects fade as he wraps it up inside his costume's cape.

"... worse or not as bad as the time with the bees?" He looks at 'Batgirl'.

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Re: Inside
2010-08-10 05:33 pm UTC (link)
The bad guy now out cold from a combination of candy (that had been a very large chocolate bar) and TV, Dinah gave her attention to "Robin."

"Not as bad," she decided. After all, Calendar Man hadn't tried to claim she was Riley's girlfriend. Which she was most certainly not. At all.

"But I think we better be getting back. This time period's starting to feel a little... dated."

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